I'd like to meet:
Name: Mike M.
Age: 22
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Add Me.About Me.
a·bout (a-bout) -On all sides of; surrounding.
me (me) -The objective case of I.
I let other write about me cause whats a better way to know about me then hearing what others think.
"I'm Mike and i like music. although i have a passion for music, my real one true love in Stone Cold Steve Austin. he's the bestest. i have a life size poster of him in my room, which i give a big kiss goodnight too every night. he's dreamy,..... i like stealing music for my friends. i have tons of music varying from hip hop and rap, to rock and indie. if i dont have a CD, i can usually find it through my various sources. i love the girlies, especially *censored*. next to austin, she's cute, stevie your the man,...... i also have a tatoo of the virgin mary on my chest as well as my last name spelled out in big gothic capitals on my back, as well as the words "thug life" and an "i love you mom" tatoo on my inside left testicle. feel free to contact me on AIM as MikiePoohsAssIsDaSweetest, or on yahoo as StoneColdBallsYUMMY. toddles, message me already, gawd,... love yah!!" by. Gary
"I'm Mike and I have long sexxxxxy hair!!" by. Jordan
"I'm lynda and I like funky shoes.socks.clothes. but can't always pull it off myself..so i admire other people who can!!" by. Lynda
"I'm Mike and I'm a fan of THE DOORS and I think MarC is an EXCELLENT band name!" by. Harry
"My name is Mikey and I SUCK at SPEED! I always lose to girls but I'm one of the funniest people you'll meet!" by. Kat
"lakers suck? i could suck you." by. Porn ad asking for add
.Who I'd Like To Meet.
I don't know I guess I will meet who I meet..Music.
mu·sic (myoo z ik) -The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
mov·ie (moo v e) -A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity. A connected cinematic narrative represented in this form.
tel·e·vi·sion (tele-vzhn) -The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves into visual images.
CBS -Price is Right, King of Queens, Two and Half Men, CSI: Miami, Without a Trace. NBC -Leno, Conan, Law and Order, Law and Order:CI, Law and Order: SUV, ER. USA -Monk, Psyche, Law and Order's. CMDY. FOOD. DiY. HGTV. A&E -Inked, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Chriss Angel. BET -The Wayans Bros, In Living Color. FX -Rescue Me. TBS -Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Home Improvment, Yes Dear. MTV -Runs House, Pimp My Ride. MTV2. VH1. VH1CL. HBO -Entourage, Tourgasm..Friends.
friend (frnd)-A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade
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