rebecca profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Doing the weirdo opposite commute- live downtown/work in the suburbs. Use an evil toll road pass and love a good Americano at Starbucks- I have said too much already! Love my family and friends. Love that when I travel on business I know someone no matter where we are. Except Albuquerque-that was a new town- no one to catch up with. Love finding old friends and eating lots of chocolate-that's me the last year- I think I still qualify as a mall rat even if I work at the outlet mall?-lame food court though.

My Interests


Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Carrie,Rock & Roll High,Suburbia,Clockwork Orange,Detroit Rock City,Serial Mom,Cry Baby,Pretty In Pink,Sixteen Candles,Breakfast Club,Heathers,Parents,Quick Change


Beverly Hills 90210 forever. Reality show junkie


Clockwork Orange, Less Than Zero, Anne Rice, true crime books, and cook books


June Ward and Donna Reed- to vaccum in heels and pearls, have a perfect house, be able to whip up appetizers in 5 minutes,make the perfect cocktail, have well behaved kids and and look flawless- I am jealous

My Blog

sxsw 07

another fun sxsw. Finally got to see the Trashies at Ben Snakepit's bday- not an official event and I could get a beer at the gas station across the street for $1- just my budget. Ran into my old best...
Posted by rebecca on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:50:00 PST

10 year highschool reunion

My 10th reunion was actually in '04 but I had to work like always so I didnt go but I just got e-mailed all the stuff. People have definitely gotten bald, gained weight, gone conservative etc. My 20th...
Posted by rebecca on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sxsw maddness

I said I was going to go out every night but after wedndays craziness i have already wimped out !! Its crazy how fast everything gets posted. These cool japanese web zine people already had there pics...
Posted by rebecca on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Thanks to everyone whos come out to the bar. Its been awesome. Belle and I are usually there 2 times a week. Im usually there on a weekday for lunch and a Lone Star about 12:30. Come say hi! mY USUAL ...
Posted by rebecca on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST