Women...Sports...Poker....Travelling...Sleeping in...Partying...Chillin...hahaha..and sometimes just doing nothing at all after a tough week. Going on a long vacation and exploring the world.
A woman who is sensual, down to earth, chill, fun, crazy, and wild. A woman who is willing to try new things. I'd like a woman with goals and aspiration. A vision and idea. Ok..Ok..I had to write this after browsing some of the people. It's funny when you see somebody who looks hot and when you open up to view more pics, she is a totally different girl..it's like she took steroids. What if one day somebody meets you and expects a different person. I also have to note..beware of the pics that you can hardly see...you know the ones where you got to squint really hard to even make out an object?? If that's the case, don't even waste your time opening it. What's even worse is when you try to open one of those bad pics, the page hangs on you for like 5 min...making you wait and the anticipation grows. Than we get let down. One more thing..Beware of the super close up pic...the one where you can only see the face and NOT the body...and it says that they are cuddly...cuddly isn't bad..i guess it depends how cuddly they are. You want to know where i'm getting with this?? This is the type of girl I don't want to meet. If this is not you, than contact me now!!! haha
Hip Hop, House, Rock, Jazz, Blues
The Da Vinci Code