Ultimate Frisbee, Books, Films, auditioning poorly, organic eggs, free range chickens, running, jumping rope, juggling, dostoyevsky.
Jurassic 5, beat nuts, bob dylan, joni mitchell, strokes, jimmy eat world, modest mouse, fugazi, minor threat, RASPUTINA, hendrix, stones, beatles, twilight singers, fishbone, the gloria record .....and on and on......
so many, ok here is just a stream of consciousness listing.....Fresh, Shawshank, The Croupier, Holy Smoke, High Fidelity, Crow, The Princess and the Warrior, Lock Stock and 2 SB's, Snatch, Brokeback Mtn, Munich, American Psycho, TRAFFIC!!!, Men at work(yes the one with Charlie Sheen and Emelio Estevez)
Television is the invention of 'The Man', that said. The Boondocks, Jn Stewart/Colbert Repor, Family Guy
The Brothers Karamazov, Blink, The Achemist, The Gambler, The Eye of the World, The Neuromancer