And Im Subtle
Subtle Like a T-Rex
And Im Subtle
Subtle Like a T-Rex
I'd Like to Meet People who have their hearts into something.
People who can teach me how to have mine into something.
People who can change my life.
People who like my life just the way it is.
All that, and this man
Mouse of The Modest Kind 8/07
INDY Stuff LouD or Noisy or Chaotic and Melodic.
Fast or Slow and Bizzare.
Mostly Not on the Radio, or played in YOUR Car.
Metal, Not Nu but Olde Gritty and Clean, Shiny and Mean.
powered by
you've left everyone wondering
when we'll all end up dead
to all we are within
now as daisies dry off
and the wind scurries scarlet leaves like they were dust
we can see somewhere off to the east
a gaggle of geese are singing your goodbye
hear the sweetest lullaby
listen up to hear
the sky will soon clear
and you'll be the last one to wish for rain