costume design,small drawings,painting(..slikarstvo je tisina uma,muzika oka..-orhan pamuk),music that reminds me of what I am and what we are...and that time is just a product of our imagination,teatre,movies,...(but what saves me the most these days...mindfullnes)ne nisam zaboravila...naravno ninjutsu...i kombuha!
...neke zaje'ane da me zaje'u... Some people make me feel like I've been sculptyred by the Scopas himself...
..THINK OF YOUR EARS AS EYES..jazz(kieth jarrett,lee morgan,grover washington jr.,artie shaw,d.bogdanovic,chet baker,train "There is never any end. There are always new sounds to imagine; new feelings to get at. And always, there is the need to keep purifying these feelings and sounds so that we can really see what we've discovered in its pure state. So that we can see more and more clearly what we are. In that way, we can give to those who listen the essence, the best of what we are. But to do that at each stage, we have to keep on cleaning the mirror.""The main thing a musician would like to do is to give a picture to the listener of the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe."- coltrane - ...and ella,radka toneff),tom waits,joe cocker...ray,janis joplin(..Tomorow never happends it’s all the same fucking day..)the doors...laibach,d.mode...vampiri
down by low,dead men,ghost dog-the way of the samurai...jim jarmush,dreams-kurosawa,tarakovski,baraka,tim burton(ed.wood,edvard scissorshand,vincent...)...every soul leaking film. ..osecaj dodira nam toliko fali da se u prolazu sudaramo jedni sa drugima samo da bi smo se dodirnuli..-
i don't do television.
akademija profesora kleksa-jan bzehva,rashomon-riunosuke akutagawa,dama i jednorog-trejsi shevalije-jbg.nasla me je,hemingvej,hese...bukovski...ekhart tole...pamuk..sve one knjige koje me nadju.magijski realizam(Gabriel Garcia M.i jorge luis b.)I volem poeziju huan ramon himenes-a(ja nisam ja),sharl bodler-a,edgar alan po i nasega dis-a...