I'm EaSiLy AmUsEd sO aNyThiNg tHat'S fUn.. iM dOwN!
pIpOL whO LovEs cLuBbin', pArtiEs, tRippiN' and mOst Esp... fuN tO bE wiTh!!!
aCoUstiC, DaNce aNd TecHnO and RnB
MATRIX, LOTR, HaRry PoTteR, S.W.A.T., SpIdeRmAn, The GrUdgE, The EyE, MaDaGasCar, SiLent HiLL, The RiNg, IDENTITY, ChArliEs AnGeL, BlOw DrY, My BeStfrIeNd's WeDdiNg, VaN HeLsiNg, LeGalLy BlOnDe, The Elf, UpToWn GIrLs aNd oL the fiLms of fReDdiE pRinZe jR. aNd tOm cRuIsE aRe a deFiNite TWO THUMBS UP!!!
LiviNg AsIa, NaTiOnaL GeOgRaphiC, FoOd NeTwOrk, CSI, LiFeStYle NeTwOrk, CaRtoOns, NET25 (all about latest tech and gadgets)
I PrefEr MaGz!!!