Disinherited Heirs, Moonlighters, Homewreckers, Fabulists, Robert Logia, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Vaudevillians, Savants, Scamps/Tramps, Flappers and Pooh-bahs, Wannabes, Haberdashers, Pickpockets,Triplets, Blue-stockings, Firebrands, Rogues and Trespassers, Throttlebottoms, Dragoons, Bed-wetters, Cuckolds, Mummies, Polemicists, Draggletails, Phrenologists, Luminaries, McGreevys, Czars and Orangoutangs, Spankers, Umpires, Hygienic Bicycle Couriers, Orators, Continentals, State Troopers, Lyssophobics, Profligates, Fleshpots, Tattle-tales, Fishmongers, Wagnerians, Soubrettes, Sanguinarians, Orthodontists, First-Basemen, Punchinello, Mayors, Meal-tickets, Keepsakes and Spearheaders, Yokefellows, Wastrels, Watchmakers, Belletrists, Hairsplitters, Amateurs, Sharks, Slatterns, Salesgirls, Algonquins, Larcenists, Foul-balls, Gormandizers, Spitters, Hylozoists, Babysitters, Rabelaisians, Underclassmen, Scatologists, Pricks and Rascals....and, of course.....The man who shot Liberty Valence.