- Opinion: The Obama We Don't Know
Americans+have+a+right+to+learn+more+about+the+least+experie nced+nominee+in+modern+times.
Americans+have+a+right+to+learn+more+about+the+least+experie nced+nominee+in+modern+times.
Walking in 21 degree windy weather down Cabot St., Listening to people talk, talking a bit myself, monologuing, reading and generally trying to understand what the hell this existence thing is all about.
Other boring people such as myself so that we can look at the exciting world around us and raise our noses, drink our gin and not bother ourselves with the goings on of other people. That sounds pleasant.
I recently realized that "Clarity" by Jimmy Eat World is my favorite album. Everyone should listen to it from beginning to end. That is all. (Well not quite all, the Great Lake Swimmers self-titled album kicks ass too.)
The Last Days of Disco, The Royal Tennenbaums, Amelie, Children of Men, Chariots of Fire, Brideshead Revisited (BBC), Pan's Labarynth, The Hunt for Red October...(more to come soon...)
Sopranos, The Red Sox, Family Guy, Flight of the Conchords, 30-Rock, The Office, Squid-Billies, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Venture Brothers, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, History Channel...etc.
The Bible (complicated authorship), The Book of Common Prayer, Brideshead Revisited and A Hand Full of Dust (Waugh), A Burnt Out Case (Greene), Survivor and Fight Club (Palahniuk), Life After God (Coupland), Ethics and Life Together (Bonhoeffer), Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments and Trainging in Christianity (Kierkegaard), The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway), The Winter of Our Discontent and East of Eden (Steinbeck), The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky), Franny and Zooey and Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters (And everything Salinger), On Being a Theologian of the Cross (Forde), The Bondage of the Will (Luther), Witness (Chambers), On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs (Fr. Schall), Slaughterhouse Five and Timequake (Vonnegut), Redeeming the Time and The Politics of Prudence (Kirk), Short Stories by John Updike and Raymond Carver, The Brothers K (David James Duncan). This is just a sampling, I enjoy a great deal more and have often been convinced that reading is the only thing that I do really well. Who knows?
My Father, Thomas Cranmer, Martin Luther, St. Athenasius, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Karl Barth, Soren Kierkegaard, Steven Jones etc.