Hey whats going gente from around the world. My name is Sancho and I am THE LATIN BLOGGER. Thats right, THE LATIN BLOGGER. I am sure there are other bloggers out there that are Latin and all, but I am claiming the name first. Well now that you know my name let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a blogger who has his own site, www.THELATINBLOGGER.com , which is a site dedicated to the average Latino. The site has been up for q little bit of time, how every, still needs some work, so bare with me. But the site is for LATINOS and LATINOS only. Well, if your not Latino, I am not going to stop you from looking at the site and all, but thats what I blog about. Why just Latinos, simply because I have not YET been able to find a t.v. network or a website that does just that. Sure there are those sites that are for Latinos, but how many times do you look and see Jay-Z's face or Kayne's face on there. A lot right. That's why my website is not made, but DEDICATED to the average Latino. I feel that my website doesn't go out to just those that speak spanish or those that don't, it goes out to those on skate boards, surf boards, as well as impalas and driving down the blvd. So thank you for Logging on to the OFFICIAL MYSPACE for THE LATIN BLOGGER, and hope that you check out the website, www.THELATINBLOGGER.com
And just on another note, I am currently a cali kid, so most of my blogs will be coming out of current events of cali, but you will see that i do travel and get the hardcore FACTS.
And please hit me up and let me know what you want me to write about.
Click here for my website
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