Getting as close as I can to Jesus Christ.
Avoiding boredom.
Surviving each day.
(In that order.)
I love meeting these incredible unknown Jesus Freak musicians who pour everything into their music. They don't win GMA awards and they usually don't make enough from a set to break even with the gas money to get there, but they are the coolest people you could ever hang out with. I'd like to meet every one that's out there if I could.
Right now I'm kind of binging on the new death Cab for Cutie CD. And I've also rediscovered Ben Folds.
And....Train, John Mark McMillan, everyone in The Selah Project, Harry Connick, Jr., Better Than Ezra, John Mayer, dc Talk, U2, Goo Goo Dolls, little bit of Paul McCartney, dash of Elton John, plenty of The Eagles. How's that for starters?
There have been like a thousand movies that have come out in a freakin week. I liked The Happening, loved Iron Man and Indiana Jones, thought Wanted sucked and Hancock was okay, a little disappointing.
And then the others. Ocean's 11, The Blues Brothers, The Empire Strikes Back, Tombstone, The Road to El Dorado, The Princess Bride, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Neverending Story
I seriously never watch TV anymore. I just don't. Sometimes less than an hour a week.But...I love Man vs. Wild and Mythbusters, Seinfeld and MASH, the Food Network, Whose Line, CSI Vegas. Also, here recently I've managed to catch a few episodes of The Office, which I've discovered I love.
Still on the Harry Potter books. Just finished the Goblet of Fire. Yeah, yeah, John. You never look at Myspace anyway.
Firebird by Kathy Tyers (very obscure, but my favorite book in the world)
Blink by Ted Dekkar
Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis
Facing the Wall by Don Potter
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
And of course the Bible. Duh.
...and Bill Byrd.
And Holly Smith just rocks. See, look.