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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Heros In A Half Shell

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March 23, 2007
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LEONARDO: I try to be the leader of the team, since someone has to be and I'm the only one who seems to be interested in order. It's often frustrating to choreograph tactics only to see them disappear in an emotional outburst from one of my brothers. I take Ninjitsu very seriously, as it should be. As it must be. Ninjitsu is not a game! I train diligently and read up on strategy to better prepare my family for times of duress. I've been accused of being too stringent in my expectations, but I don't agree with that assessment. I'm not striving to be perfect, only perfectly proficient. Perhaps when we are out of imminent danger, I will relax, but a proper ninja is ALWAYS prepared, and always three steps ahead of any nemesis. That takes hard work and dedication. I love my family more than life itself, so I feel responsible to ensure their protection. Master Splinter is very capable of taking care of himself, but my brothers worry me. I feel that I must be there to compensate for their lack of focus. I guess this may seem a little hard-nosed, but if you were in my shoes, I think you'd agree that someone has to play the "heavy." With that aside, I do realize the need for fun and relaxation. While I often disagree with Raphael, he is my brother, and I enjoy the times that we spend goofing off. I just wish that he'd try to see things from some other perspective than his own (something he no doubt says about me as well!) My favorite times are at dinner, when the five of us sit together and listen to Master Splinter tell stories and teach lessons.
RAPHAEL: What can I say that hasn't been said a billion times before? Not much. I'm the "dark" one. The Cynic. The Pessimist. The Crazy. The Angry Young Man. Or, for those of you who ain't Polyannas, the Realist. It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm a Big Dog... but I lie low unless somebody gets my back up. I don't start 'em, I finish 'em. I'm out of cliches... but those sum me up nicely. I'm pretty anti-social and short-tempered, I admit. Most people just get on my nerves. I like to leave-alone and be left alone. If more people were like me, I think things would be better off. I know I'd be better off! I guess I need to learn how to relax. To find my "center," as Splinter sez. I'm workin' on it. Sometimes I envy Mikey his good-natured temperment. Sometimes I think I'd like to be that way. Sometimes... The saying goes "Ignorance is bliss"... as I grow older, I'm trying to grow wiser... kind of a contradiction, innit?
MICHELANGELO: Yo yo yo! I'm the "Party Dude!" Heh heh! What a goofy thing to be! But it's fun! I dunno, the other guys seem so down sometimes, they need me around just to lighten things up! Life's a beach! This is weird... writing about myself! I dunno what to say really! Fun is where it's at! Life is what you make it, so make it a blast! Happiness is not a destination, it's a way of life! Being a Turtle is awesome! What else CAN I say? I like games. I like to skate... with a deck, in-line... whatever! Surfing is mondo cool, but I don't get enough chances to do it! That'll change! I like being a ninja. Knowing how to take care of yourself in times of trouble is neat, plus it's just plain fun to jump around and hide in shadows and stuff. It's like being in a movie, 'cept it's real life! Now THAT'S awesome! Well... that about sums it up, I guess! I'm outta here! Maybe I'll grab my board and go hang ten! Oh yeah - - - COWABUNGA! :)
DONATELLO: I've been described as the "brains" of the TMNT. I suppose that's because I'm fairly studious and industrious. I've become a reasonable "Mr. Fix-It." I can repair just about anything, and I'm also fortunate to have a knack for inventing gadgets and machines. Of the four TMNT, I suppose that I'm the most reserved. I tend to be a little too preoccupied with my own thoughts, but I think that I'm still very attentive to my family and friends' needs. It's hard not to get lost in thought, though! I'm working on it. There's just so much to do, it's sometimes hard to make time for everything. I'd rather talk things out than fight, making me an unlikely combination of a Ninja warrior/pacifist. Unfortunately, in our lives, it's rare when talking things out is an option. I long for the days when I can work in peace on my inventions and explore genetics and mutation in depth, minus all of the violent distractions provided by our various enemies. Some day I'll have the time that I need. If you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to my laboratory. Take care!
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& The Shredder and tear him apart


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LEONARDO: Traditional Japanese and New Age (for meditation)

RAPHAEL: Rap, Metal, Hardcore, Punk

MICHELANGELO: Rap, Techno, Surf, Jimmy Buffett

DONATELLO: Classical, "Classic" Rock, the Roches



LEONARDO: "On the Art of War" by Sun Tzu

RAPHAEL: "Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton (Book is better than the movie. Read it!)

MICHELANGELO: "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak

DONATELLO: "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking


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