erin --
A level headed person who always makes the wrong decision
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
a husband that keeps me grounded; my crazy, hyper-active, entertaining, affectionate, brilliant little boy kane; my angelic, sweet, friendly, smiley, talkative baby boy drew; my biggest boy who i wish every day was truly mine, mikey; my family, my friends;; artistic expression when it comes from someplace real; sleeping; proving people wrongl; getting the last word in; knowing you didn't break me; taking it all in stride; watching clouds; star gazing; smells that trigger memories; make believe; talking till the sun comes up; early am spoon time; dusk when the light turns the world into a dreamlike state covered in an ashy colored haze; laughing at myself; dirty, raw humor; yelling at the top of my lungs; the sound of glass breaking; back rubs (both giving and receiving); writing about things that don't make much sense; graphic novels; the scream awards; a nice juicy, bloody, practically mooing, rare as all fuck steak; losing myself, getting swept up, drowning in it, loving every moment of it; useless information and random facts; making people uncomfortable; getting lost in my imagination; stage combat; walking in the rain and rolling down grassy hills; imagination and creativity; double espresso machiatos and coffee brewed in a french press; nostalgia and anything that involves remembering the good ol' days; rediscovering my youth; chucks, black boots, zori's, and break your neck hooker heels; taking a break, taking a ride, taking a toke; true art as opposed to cheap entertainment; turtles, dragons, light-houses and bird cages/houses; my steel trap of a memory that is bound to get YOU into trouble, or it just might save your ass; spontanaeity; singing when nobody's listening; anything that makes me laugh; people who push boundaries and force you to think; people who stand for something; life and all it's ups and downs, twists and turns and the nut-job people i love so much who make mine so interesting
MY DADDY AGAIN olivia more than anyone in the world - she's the missing piece to the puzzle; bill clinton; this god person people keep talking about; edge is my new dirty boy, ugly crush but i still have a boner for jeff hardy; tom cruise (so i can point and laugh); every writer, dead or alive, that i love and look up to; i wanna get stoned with snoop, though i'm sure his shit would kill me; eddie vedder is still the man; and a man from brussels who's 6 foot 4 and full of muscles (if you don't get that, you obivously weren't lucid during the 80's)
blade runner!!! blade runner!!! blade runner!!!; one flew over the cuckoo's nest; natural born killers; the neverending story; pump up the volume; a scanner darkly; children of men; enemy mine; vertigo; wargames; whatever happened to baby jane; dark crystal; cool world; il postino; labyrinth; the last starfighter; four rooms; fight club; a clockwork orange; cites de enfants perdus; total recall; pulp fiction; twilight zone the movie; legend; valley of the dolls; fear and loathing in las vegas; lord of the rings; bakshi's lord of the rings; citizen kane; go; close encounters of the third kind; et; 2001: a space oddysey; the abyss; planet terror; flight of the navigator; faster pussycat kill, kill, kill; true romance; stardust; jason and the argonauts; apocalypse now; lock, stock and two smoking barrels; nosferatu; the usual suspects; singles; tank girl; parenthood; cloak and dagger; american pop; smokin aces; the deerhunter; catch 22; 300; kalifornia; sfw; the fifth element; clash of the titans; dick tracy; the crow; snatch; sin city
that 70's show, ugly betty, heroes, reality cooking/chef type shows, what the little dudes are watching, i'm embarrassed to admit i can't get enough of america's next top model
we also watch a lot of wrestling in this house. i named my first born after a badass wrestler and i'd totally dump my husband for jeff hardy
- Fuel Lyrics ..WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
favorite authors include saul bellow, ray bradbury, willa cather, kate chopin, william faulkner, f scott fitzgerlad, joseph heller, ernest hemingway, ken kesey, harper lee, flannery o connor, sylvia plath, edgar allen poe, jd salinger, john steinbeck, kurt vonnegut, hg wells, albert camus, lewis carrol, miguel de cervantes, joseph conrad, charles dickens, feodor dostoevsky, george eliot, gustave flaubert, nikolai gogol, aldous huxley, franz kafka, dh lawrence, george orwell, boris pasternak, leo tolstoy, maya angelou, samual becket, bertolt brecht, anton chekhov, henrik ibsen, christopher marlowe, arthur miller, eugene o neil, jean paul sartre, oscar wilde, thornton wilder, tennessee williams, ee cummings, ts eliot, allen ginsberg, carl sandburg, sharon shin, christoper pike, marian keyes... among sooo many others
my sons... who are all i never will be and everything i admire in another human being