DANONINOOOO profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink cheetah

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My Interests

mUSiC, mUsIC, MusIc....aRTs, FasHIoN

I'd like to meet:

If you still love me By morning Oh you’ll find me waiting in the garden By the cherry blossom tree Bring tin cups of wine and cigarettes Come to me in pirouettes My darling Save all your love for me

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adopt your own virtual pet!
Which Daria charactar are you?
...What? I'm surprised you got this far, you're not always in tune to reality and you rarely know what time of day it even is.

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InCUbUS, jOY dIviSiOn, At THe DriVe In, FoO FiGHtERs, PrObOt, tHurSdAy, fInCh, dREsDeN DoLls, InTErpoL, ThE kILleRS, thE sTIlLS, MaXiMO pArK, KinGs Of ConVeNIeNCe, sHe WaNts RevAnGe, gOLdFRaP, GolDspOT, 69 EyEs, sTonE rOsEs, nEw OrDEr, dEFtOnEs, ChEVelLe, tHe mArS VolTa, aTReyU, ToOL, A pErfECt CiRcLe, tHe PilLOwS, ExPLosIOnS in ThE sKy, mOGwAi, sIguR rOs, sTarS, SpARtA, PlACeBo, tHe FutURehEaDS, ThE oTHerS, thE dEArS, thE pAdDInGToNs, yOUtH gRoUp, bLOc PaRTy, tHe ArcAde FirE, niNe inCh NaILs, THe IcAruS liNE, sOniC yOuTH, THe UNdeRtoNes, thE kAiSEr cHieFs, tHe DEelAyS, bAbYsHaMblEs, mY mOrNInG jAcKeT, BokEn SoCiAl ScEnE, SecREt mAcHINes, ThE poSTaL seRViCe, dOgS dIe IN hOT cArs, XiU XiU, BjORk, RadIHeAd, pORtiShEAd, pINk FlOyd, wEezER, bRaND nEw, yEaH YeAh YeaHs, tHe WAlkMeN, tHe LiBErtInEs, THe aRcTIc mONkEyS, thE EDiTOrS, ThE sToKeS, NinE bLaCk AlPs, hOLe, pAnTerA, DeaD caN dAnCE, gUNs n rOsES, aErOSmIth, aUsTin T.v., LuCybElL, VaQuERo, BeNgAlA, ZOE, LILa dOwNS, saDE.
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MmM.... THe EtERnAl SunShiNe Of ThE sPOttLesS miNd, gREat SpEctAtiONs, ElEPhAnT..(No OnE reALlY kNOwS whAS oN thE oTHerS miNd..), CloCk WoRk OraNgE, trAINSppOTiNg. CrAzy
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tHe AdVEnTurES Of PetE &PetE, THaTs 70s ShOw, tHe SiMpSoNS, kAa BlAAm..JOJOJOJO
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Which Daria charactar are you?
You think you know everything and you hold yourself higher than everyone else.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --


cLOcK wOrK oRanGE tHE sTOrY Of a STRnGer KitCHeN


kIm GOrDoN..(ShE iS REaLlY AwEsOmE), AngElA AnAcONdA, bEAvIs AnD ButTHeAd, AnD eVerYoNe WhO fIgHTs FoR wHaTevER tHeY WaNt....