Born and raised in Jacksonville Florida, I grew up on the southside. I have been through alot of things in my 22 years on earth so far, none of which I would take back or change. Went to school until I was 16 and dropped out from boredom and lack of interest but went back and recieved my Diploma 2 years later. I like music and consider it to be my second favorite interest, art being my first. I like to think that I am a genuinely nice person and would do anything in the world for my friends as they are pretty much my family. I have suffered from a few great losses as well including my father whom passed away on November 10th of this year. I will never put on a front to anyone which sometimes gets me into trouble as I am A very honest person. I am generally the funny guy when I am in the mood but for the most part I am a pretty relaxed individual.
I strongly suggest that you check out my bands page and add us.