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About Me

I direct Galeria 409, located in a 157 year old building in historic Brownsville Texas. It shows only work created in the Rio Grande Valley.ART AGAINST THE WALL came off as planned on February 28th as a dozen artists hung their art work on Chertoff's Iron Curtain in Hope Park at high noon. Susan Harbage Page's nine foot diameter wreath for drowned immigrants and David Freeman's 32 foot long bamboo ladder dominated the scene. The border patrol stayed strictly out of camera range while trying to avoid bad publicity and Lee Basham's broadcast quality video camera. The show moved over to Galeria 409, where it will hang until the end of March. Carmen Perea Oldham, Dina Saldaña, Carol Plumb, Scott Nicol, Robert Stark and others demonstrate their artistic skills and their opposition to the governments pura locura in this politically charged exhibition. Admission is free and we are open by appointment (call 455-3599) during the week and wide open on Saturday and Sunday between twelve and five.MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 (NOTE THE NEW, EARLIER TIME!) Five dollars at the door. REFRESHMENTS ARE FREE. No drugs, smoking (anything) or underaged drinking on the premises. No exceptions. Ever. Also: NO MOSHING OR SLAM DANCING during indie rock concerts."ART AGAINST THE WALL" OPEN SHOW SPONSORED BY GALERIA 409 is tentatively scheduled for February 28th,2010 on the border fence at once scenic Hope Park in historic downtown Brownsville. U.S. and Mexican artists are encouraged to create work concerning border issues for an outdoor display on Chertoff's fence. On February 29th, the anti-wall art will be displayed at Galeria 409. The pro-wall arists are encouraged to hang their pictures and themselves elsewhere. In the spirit of 1980s Russian Refusniks, we will not apply for permits for this outdoor exhibition, so sissies stay home.Open Wednesday through Saturday 12 to 5 or by appointment. We're lurking at 409 East 13th Street, between Levee and Elizabeth, one block from the Gateway Bridge and admission is always FREE. The gallery is a SMOKE FREE environment. For information and directions, call 455-3599.t

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who are interested in visual art and original music in the Rio Grande Valley.