Only the good die young {R.I.P. BB} profile picture

Only the good die young {R.I.P. BB}

Everything happens for a reason }(i){

About Me

So my name is Brittany.People call me Britt, Brittyboo, and bubbles. Basically im a real down to earth gurl i aint gunna stab you in your back if you dont stab me in mine. My favorite thing to do is just hang out with my friends, chill, and live everyday like its the last. I mean hey you never know when it could be so why not live it up whenever you can. Besides that, i guess i got the name drama queen back in the day, but ive changed a lot so i guess it could be downgraded to just simply bitch. Which i know i am so i dont mind it. Im not to fond of females although if you are my gurl you will know it. I hate bitches but i love mine. I mean dont get me wrong im not a horrible person i am a very friendly person and i will talk to just about anybody. Just as long as you dont get on my bad side we'll do fine. :) I have a beautiful neice that i love more than anything else in the entire world. Her name is Raelynn hope but we call her Tink...

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hence the reason for everything being Tinkerbell. My friends and my family always come first and thats the way it should be. Im allergic to strawberries and it fuckin sucks bad. I hate feet i think we should all walk on ankles and everything would be good. I think spiders and bumble bee's should be termated so screw anyone who thinks spiders are good luck and honey is the best food out there. I hate shopping. Dont ever ask me to go because i will bitch the entire time there. I guess im not a gurly gurl when it comes to that. I love to drink. Im a bud bitch 100% and no i dont drink liquor im just that beer bitch. Im down for anything. I already said I love my friends and i would die for them. Ride or die is my style. Dont fuck with our crew cuz we're the shit;) haha Gossip is petty but every gurl loves doin it. Its a human nature. Drama is automatically drawn to a female. I wanna go to Hawaii cuz duh who wouldnt wanna lay on the damn beach all day and watch half naked guys walk by? lol I love blue eyes and a great smile. If you got some pretty ass eyes and an amazing smile you'll do good in my book. Wanna know anything else let me know

Myspace Glitters

Inside Your Mind. 184 unique Q's.
Inside Your Mind.
What do you like about yourself?: my personality its fun
What do you dislike about yourself?: my weight
Do you have any special talents?: not really
What are some of your hobbies?: hangin with the friends, playing with kids cuz i love them
Do you accept your anger?: yeah for the most part
Do you accept your sadness?: i dont like to but yeah
Do you accept your worry?: def
Do you accept your confusion?: not at all no one should be confused
Do you accept your anxiety?: nope hate it
Do you accept your fear?: again i hate that too
What is difficult for you?: seeing my friends upset, thinkin about losing my tink which will never happen! shes my heart
About You.
Favorite color?: pink
Favorite song?: sing for the moment - eminem
Favorite band?: eminem! nickelback, stained, and rascall flatts
Favorite movie?: a whole bunch, a walk to remember, remember the titans, coach carter, step up, 8mile, and the list continues
Favorite teacher (past or present)?: ms leblanc
Favorite book?: the perfect daughter - lisa gardner
Favorite thing to do?: be with my friends
Second favorite thing to do?: relax and chill out
Favorite website?: myspace
Do you like your looks?: nope
Do you like your body?: nope
Describe yourself.
Length of hair?: a little longer than middle back
Color of hair?: reddish
Color of eyes?: brown
Height?: 5'2
Are you athletic?: nope
Are you healthy?: trying to be
What emotion do you hide?: sadness, when im upset
Do you think you’re smart?: yeah i think so
Are you religious?: no
What is your religion?: ------
Do you believe in “God”?: no
What do you want to “be” when you “grow up”?: a journalist/author
Do you get along well with people?: yeah i think i do
Are you fun?: duhhhh
What makes a “good person” just that?: when they care about other people; other peoples feelings. understanding, patient, toleant, can have a good time but can lend an ear if needed... just a well rounded person
How would others describe you?: hopefully as how i just described a good person lol
How would you describe a “true friend”?: every one of MINE
Who is your best friend?: David J
How did you meet?: in earth science lol
Ever meet anyone who was just like you?: not really theirs people that resemble my personality but their not me
How do your friends help you to be more yourself?: they accept me
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: nope
If so, describe him or her.: n/a
What qualities do you look for in a significant other?: charming, caring, understanding, funny... good smile n pretty eyes:)
Ever crush on someone who only liked you as a friend?: uh huh
Ever have someone crush on you and you only liked them as a friend?: in the past
In a relationship…
What makes you jealous?: bichezzz
What makes you angry?: when a guy tries to fight with you for no reason
What makes you happy?: im a hopeless romantic
What hurts your feelings?: being ditched
What makes you love them more?: everything
What have you learned about love?: it can hurt badly
Describe your first relationship.: amazing
What benefits come from being single?: you can play the feild but at the same time your so lonely
What benefits come from being with someone?: you have someone to run to at any time
What siblings do you have?: 2sisters and a brother in law
Are you a first, last, middle or only child?: middle
If you could change this, how would it be different?: i wouldnt
Do you get along with your siblings?: my older sister and brother thats about it
What do you like best about your brother(s)?: hes fuckin hillarious you cant not like him
What do you like best about your sister(s)?: krystal is amazing i can talk to her about anything even if most of the time we're fighting i know shes got me n i got her
What do you like best about being an only child?: i wouldnt know
Have you ever been embarrassed by family?: lol when my mom drinks its a done deal
Do/did your parent(s) try to make you think like them?: yeah but what parents dont?
Tough shit.
What difficult experiences have you been through?: a lot...
Has anyone close to you died?: yeah:(
How did you find out?: hospital/parents/word of mouth
Did you get to say good-bye?: only to like 1 of 10
Have you known anyone your age die?: yeah
Have you ever been really sick?: yes i have
Has anyone close to you ever been really sick?: yes they have
Do you have a drug problem?: nopeeee
Do you have a drinking problem?: i dont know...
Are your parents divorced?: no their married
Are/were your parents fighting constantly?: most of the time yeah
Do you let yourself feel emotional pain or make it go away?: make it go away
Do you believe pain makes us grow?: yes i do
How do you feel when you see a homeless person?: i feel horrible... i have to big of a heart to see stuff like that
Have you ever witnessed extreme suffering?: yeah:(
Do you ever wonder why there is so much suffering?: ya kno i do... but everything happens for a reason
What kinds of things cause you pain?: a lot...
What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?: ive made some mistakes but ive learned and grown from them so therefore i needed them
Have you ever thought about suicide?: everyone has thought about it but i would NEVER in my life commit it
What advice would you give to someone who is suicidal?: theres nothing THAT bad out there to take your life and you have people that care about you so talk to them and dont be selfish
Learning lessons.
Do you think people learn from their mistakes?: i believe that 100%
Do you think people can learn the “easy way”?: people can but they'll never be emotional/physically/and mentally as strong as others
Have you ever learned the “easy way”?: i try not to take the easy way out
Have you ever learned the “hard way”?: almost always
What is the most difficult lesson you’ve learned?: never throw away anyone that cares about you over something stupid
Do you believe things happen for a reason?: i believe strongly more than anything that everything happens for a reason
Have you learned that nobody is perfect?: nobody is perfect... not one person
What imperfections about yourself do you accept?: i accept almost all my imperfections. its normal to hate on yourself for things but certain things make up oneself
Do you try to look at both sides of a situation?: i do
Follow your dreams.
“Follow your bliss.”: be happy
What does this quote mean to you?: go for the things that will make you happy
What is your bliss?: your happiness
Do you have a dream?: i have a few
What is your number-one goal?: to meet eminem duhhhhh
“Do what you love and the money will follow." True?: not true but always do what you love
If your dream was guaranteed to happen, what would it be?: just to seek eternal happiness for the ones i love but that wouldnt be life now would it?
Would you answer differently if the guarantee wasn’t there?: but its not
Do you believe in yourself?: to a certain extent
Growing up.
How old are you?: 19 in a month
How old do you feel?: 25
What do you think is the perfect age?: about 25
How old do you think people should be before they…
Get a job:: 17
Cook for themselves:: 14
Set their own bedtimes:: i was like 10 so w/e
Go away with their friends:: 17
Do their own laundry:: 10 but i still dont do mine lol
Have a boyfriend or girlfriend:: whenever it feels right
Date:: whenever it feels right
Kiss:: cant put an age on that
Stay out past midnight:: 16 or 17
Stay out as late as they want:: 17
Have their own phone:: doesnt matter
Drive:: 16
Travel alone:: 17
Drink:: 17
Go to clubs:: 13 not like drinkin clubs tho just like fun
Get married:: 25
Have children:: 23-26
Vote:: 17
Go out by themselves:: 17
At what age do you think a person is mature?: depends on the person
Do you think maturity is a good thing?: yes
Do you think all adults are mature?: no
Do you think a difficult life makes a person grow up faster?: yeah because they begin to learn things quicker
What IS “grown up”?: knowing rights from wrongs
Are/were you scared or excited about growing up?: a lil of both
Do you think of yourself as grown up?: yes i do
Do you want to be considered grown up?: yeah and i am newayz
What do you think is the secret to happiness?: theres no secret every negative has a positive and vise versa
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: colgate cinnoman
Do you always brush your teeth before visiting a dentist?: yeah and i brush my teeth like 7 times a day
How many cavities do/did you have?: none
Ever wear braces or a retainer?: nope
How often do you shower?: at least once a day
Do you prefer any shampoo brand?: doesnt matter but i like herbal essence
What is the weirdest band name you know of?: theres a lot of weird ones... nickleback? rascal flatts? lol
What are your favorite dog breeds?: husky
Who was your childhood best friend?: michelle faller
Are you still friends with them today?: we're aquantices
How many computers are in your home?: one
Do you write with your left or right hand?: right
Do you take any vitamins?: yess mam
How many doors are in your home?: 2
How many windows are there?: like 15?
Do you have a collection of change somewhere?: yeahh dude
Would you go to jail for a good cause?: yes i would
Do you own a bookshelf?: yupppppp
Are there any objects hanging from your room ceiling?: no but their used to be
Are you okay with getting your blood drawn?: not really cuz they can never get it
How about getting shots?: yeah i dont mind
Do you like getting your picture taken?: i dont mind if i look ok
Abortion?: disagree strongly depending on the situation
Birth control pill?: use it
Casual sex?: w/e
Illegal immigration?: w/e
Death sentence?: i think you should be killed however you killed a person
Afterlife?: idk
Ghosts?: believe in em
Legalizing marijuana?: yupp even tho i dont smoke i think they should
Gun control?: keep it fuckin controlled
Pornography?: hey w/e floats your boat man
UFO conspiracy?: never seen one but if you have good for you... write a book
Natural VS. Artificial medicine?: both are good w/e your culture goes for
War in Middle East?: im for it because they started it but now i think it should be over... but im proud and love and respect our soilders
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Myspace Glitters

girls layout @ HOT

My Interests

I love kids. there an important part of my life. i think its amazing that you can watch a new generation grow before your eyes. My favorite thing to do when my emotions are running wild is write. Im into poetry and english subjects are my favorite. I love creative writing, reading, anything thats unique. Also, music i love all types of music. Im a big music lover because every single song you listen to reminds you or someone/something in your life and i think when you connect with a song its a strong thing!

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I'd like to meet:

EMINEM def hes an amazing artist and he raps about shit that is real. Hes unique and def the best rapper out there. i love him!! Channing tatum because well duh hes fuckin gorgeous and amazing.


Eminem is the most amazing rapper ever i love him!Im into all different kinds of music. I can listen to anything because i click with all different music. Eminem is my all time favorite though, nobody will top him. But i love all american rejects ALMOST just as much. Nickleback is amazing so is stained. Rascall flatts ARE the best country musicians ever. yeah i have a wide range of music. Its my life. I love underground shit to and i believe if you put your mind to it and your set you will make it. Heavens devils you guys are amazing. Whinny Blue i love you babe your amazinggggg


Step up, shes the man, Save the last dance, Remember the titans, Coach carter, A walk to remember, 8mile, the notebook

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Im obsessed with reality tv i love it!Laguna Beach

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American Idol, real world, basically anything on MTV

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I Love reading. I think it gives you a good look into what people think about and what happens in other peoples lives. I love books that are based on true stories, have meaning behind them, or are mysterys. Luann Rice and Nicholas Sparks are awesome authors. My current favorite is Lisa Gardner tho. Get at her books dawg ;)


Heroes My dad because of everything he does. My mom because of how much she handles n keeps goin. My friends cuz i dont kno where i would be without them holding me down specially my bestest's

My Blog


I keep pretending ive set myself up for dissapointment while not knowing if its the whole truth. I try and make believe im strong enough but ive just been broken down and bruised. I'm the model to yo...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:10:00 PST


Lets play a game me and you. I'll begin it by breaking you in two. Manipilating your every move. Making sure im not going to be the one to lose. Lets play a game, i begin 5steps ahead. Your trying to ...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:28:00 PST


Why do i waste my time, yet its all so clear? You are so far away even when i'm holding you near It's like i'm trying to object, but it just falls apart. My mind has no control over my heart. It's lik...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 08:29:00 PST

short story life

My world is stuck on pause, while every one else moves in fast forward.  Nothing to go back to and nothing to move toward. Wishing, wanting, hoping for happiness to fall into my hands, my world t...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:18:00 PST

nothing at all

Mood swings, depression, shattering my own world. How can one person have the advantage to do that? To have that hold? Ruining my life, hybernation may be my only sancuary. Where i feel safe... its th...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 05:09:00 PST

straightjacket feeling

THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS LYRICS"Straitjacket Feeling"Back me down from backing upHold your breath now it's stacking upEtched with marks, but I can dealAnd you're the problem and you can't feelTry this...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 08:44:00 PST

my mind plays tricks on me

The heart is full of secrets, mysteries, and lies. It makes believe you can forgive, you can forget, you can disguise. It pretends when something ends its over for good, not that it remains eternal. I...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 08:41:00 PST

alone... you will always end up alone

Its inevitable your supposed to be alone when you have no one to run to and no where to go escape seems as tho the sweetest route,but nowhere is it to be found. you will crash and burn, inflame into t...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:11:00 PST

Im stronger

Reminiscing on the past, that no longer holds my future Ive gained wisdom and knowledge strength Ive endured. Four years of my life pretending to hold something that didnt exist Why for so long did ...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Tue, 09 May 2006 09:43:00 PST


A Rebound... something you catch when the first shot didn't work out for you. Is that what this is? Are you my rebound? Am i trying so hard to forget him that i replaced everything with you? I'm not s...
Posted by Bubbles<3 on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 02:20:00 PST