1 Peter 2:
15 For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men:
16 Live as free men, but do not use your liberty as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.
I believe that God is Holy Spirit; He always was, always will be, is every where at all times, infinite, and cannot be created, multiplied, or destroyed.
Energy, as defined by scientists, always was, always will be, is everywhere at all times, infinite, and cannot be created, multiplied, or destroyed.
Physicists have proven mathematically that there are multiple overlapping dimensions. Astronomers have found that there is more matter in the universe than can be accounted for in the known physical universe. They have called this unaccounted for matter “dark matter.†Astronomers have also found that there is the universe is not slowing down as physics would suggest, rather the galaxies are increasing in speed, moving faster and faster away from each other. Because of this scientists believe that there is many times more unaccounted for energy in our universe. Astronomers are calling this extra energy “dark energy.†All factors included, physicists have calculated that only 4% of the known universe is physical matter. 21% of the universe falls into the dark matter category, and 75% of the known universe is what scientists call dark energy. All of these terms are misleading because we know that everything is made of energy. 100% of our universe is energy is some form. Whether it be manifested physically, or metaphysically. The Bible tells us that God is every where, He is in all things. If this is taken literally, then God would be in the smallest atoms. He would be in the subatomic partials that comprise the atoms. The Bible also tells us that God is Light. Light is known to scientists only as a form of energy. Exactly what form of energy light is remains unknown to scientists; and may never be known because light can not be captured for observation. Scientists have dubbed the light particle a photon, but in most cases light behaves like a wave and not as solid. Scripturally it is said that Spirit can not be determined by the five senses. Christians must use their spirit, and the Bible, to understand spiritual things. Scientists have said that it is physically impossible to see energy. The bits of energy that compose a proton or a neutron are billions of times smaller than the particle itself. A metaphor for this could be: if an electron was the size of the earth, the bits of energy that would be the size of an atom. Yet our most powerful microscopes can barley glimpse a whole atom with today’s technology. Similarly, scientists have also noted that it is also impossible for physical instrument to see across dimensions. Which means that no telescope, microscope, or any other type of scope man can make will ever show scientists what dark matter or dark energy is. I believe that all of this leads to one conclusion. God is Energy and Spirit is energy manifested on metaphysical dimensions.
Further, it is evident that their must be at least two forms of spirit, being that science has found what they call Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Biblically speaking there are three forms of spirit. The first is the image of God; Holy Spirit. Only God is ever referred to as being “The†Holy Spirit, and when accurately translated when ever Holy Spirit is used in reference to God it should always be capitalized. Thus it can be said that Holy Spirit is the dimension on which God’s “image†or consciousness is. Because God is pure energy he would be what scientist refers to as Dark Energy. “Dark†because it cannot be seen. But scientifically and biblically the word invisible would be a better term. This is because He is not actually dark, and dark has an evil context which is inaccurate in describing God.
The second form of spirit is angelic which would correlate to Dark Matter. Angles are beings energy based similar to humans. They are manifestations of God or life forms based on the energy; God. The only difference is that they are not physical. They are metaphysical. This means that they are not susceptible to the natural laws associated with the physical dimensions. They carry many of the same characteristics of God. They are eternal beings. Once they are created (which means from nothingness biblically corresponding to a scientific understanding of being formed from pure energy) the only way to kill an angel is to destroy it (or reduce it back to pure energy). But because God is Benevolent, or all love, thus he will never destroy any living creature; physical or spiritual. It is important to remember that Angles have free will just like Man. There are Angels for God and Angels against God. And biblically it is said that Christians will in the future put Angels in subjection to themselves, and we will judge the Angels. Scripturally it is said that a reason that God created the Angels was to cater to life on the Earth (Lucifer was the chief protector and “Light Bearer†of the Earth before his fall from heaven), but Angels have their own social structure and can be viewed as a civilization of its own with war’s, debates, and strife’s similar to, but not exactly like, mankind.
The third type of spirit is “holy spirit†or the spirit of man. It is important to note that holy spirit is not the same as Holy Spirit. Lower case “holy spirit†is a gift from God not God Himself which is Holy Spirit. When it is said in the scripture that man was created in the image of God on the 6th day, is was this spirit that was crated. Physical man was not made until after the 7th day, the day God rested. Because holy spirit so closely resembled God in his true image it was in its original design “corruptible,†or easily destroyed, when sin, or behavior contrary to God’s will, touched it. Thus when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden they, by their own free will, destroyed the spirit that God formed their physical bodies for. Over time God let certain men use holy spirit temporarily but it was not until Christ Jesus that holy spirit was made available again to become part of mankind. Christ Jesus lived physically without sin. For the last year of his life he had all of holy spirit which God had created for man with him during his greatest temptations and ministry to Israel. Thus by dieing physically he made the corruptible holy spirit incorruptible. This made holy spirit available to life in mankind again in a way that it had never be before. Now holy spirit can be attained by any man.
Romans 10: 9&10 If you believe in your heart that Jesus is the son of God and confess with your mouth that God has raised him from the dead; you SHALL be saved. For with the heart man believe unto riotousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Because there is so little holy spirit in comparison to the scope of the universe, scientists are not going to find it by its effects on galactic movement. Thus it is understandable why science has only found two.
To learn more of my beliefs take a look at my blogs. There is much about dinosaurs and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
I try to avoid knowing everything about any one thing, with the exception of the Bible, but rather try to know just enough about everything. My interests cover a broad expanse. Starting with the Bible and various religions, then through politics and philosophy, around many focuses of science to include micro-biology, astronomy, evolutionary theory, quantum mechanics / mathematics / physics, and then through psychology and sociology. But I am not only interested in the pursuits of human advancement; I also try to dabble in literature, language, and history. As well as general mechanics, carpentry, computer hardware and code, so on and so on. There are few things in this world that I don’t know at least one thing about. But the more I learn the more I realize that I know nothing. I want to improve myself. I want to be a leader. I want to be the professional. I want to be known for the good I leave behind and not the bad. I want to love some one without compromise. But I don’t want to love the wrong person. I want to help the people I care about. I want them to grow and grow with me. I want to learn the things they know. I want them to know the things I know. I want to evolve into a person better than myself.
You scored as Libertarian, Libertarians believe that you have the right to live your life as you wish, without the government interfering, as long as you donâ€,,t violate the rights of others. This translates into strong protections for privacy and property rights, and a weak to non-existent social safety net.
New Democrat
Pro Business Republican
Foreign Policy Hawk
Old School Democrat
Socially Conservative Republican
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Social Liberal
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Economic Conservative
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Centrist (61e/61s)../t--
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..t--Also../t--: ..t--The OkCupid Dating Persona Test../t--