i HEART kamohai!!i HEART kamohai!! MY baby is fucken super sexy....i LOVE HIM the two men in my life....... "In the pursuit of happiness one must over look onesself pleasure and see the bigger picture...."told to me by my friend TITUS....what a wise man....trying to live by this...although its oh sooo hard!!!
ive already met him!! me-n-him forever"You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary."~i truly believe this....speaking from experience....a relationship should be ALL and NOTHING BUT fun....NOT work!!!~To all my girls that have "guy problems" or lack of...just know that while you think you're looking...someone is already looking for you!!! trust me, ive been screwed over one too many times to know that you gotta kiss pleny frogs to get to your prince...even if you are CONVINCED that frog, the one you JUST kissed, is YOUR PRINCE!!
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i love listening to the lyrics of songs....instead of just liking only the beat, the words are more interesting...it can also make a shitty song good....the song i play usually reflects how i feel about life myself or someone else.... THINK ABOUT IT!!...what am i feeling, what am i doing wrong....is this an illusion that i have in my heart?....I THINK IM IN LOVE ♥ ??
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