♥LhuCkAi13♥® profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Lucky Aisa --
Extremely extreme!
Lhuckai --
A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins
I will take over Ukraine using only some kickboxing moves I picked up on the street

Uganda, using only the spirit of Napoleon guiding me

Netherlands, using only my pet T-Rex

Iraq, using only one hundred monkeys sitting at one hundred typewriters

Western Sahara, using only a lucky rabbits foot

Afghanistan, using only my mastery of video games

South Korea, using only candies for everyone

And I will take United Arab Emirates, using only my incredible charisma…lol!

lEt mEh tElL yA hU d F*cK i aHm, aHm d f*cKin sULtAn oF sLicK, SaDie aHm d rULe oV f*cKin khEwL u wAnnA bE a gAngStEr? u wAnNa bE a tHuG? u sIt aT mAh f*cKin fEEt, gAthEr d pEaRLs dAt eMaNaTe fOrTh fRuHm mEeH. bCoZ aHm d f*cKin oRiGinAL, sTrAiGht-fIrSt-fOrEmOsT, pImP mAck! fUcKin hUsTLeR, oRiGiNaL gAngStEr'S gAngStEr! hAhAhA!!!!
just kiddin...i got that from the movie GIGLI..lmao!
Ahh, fame, fortune, the good life! There is nothing better than having the freedom to do whatever I want, and the fame and financial resources to support my whims and fantasies. Theres a difference though between the hard work and drive necessary to achieve stardom and the euphoria of being on top and enjoying the luxury it provides. In other words, Ive got to really work hard before I can relax. Coz if I dont, my attitude could very easily cast me as a lazy slacker or worse-an indulgent prima donna princess. Lol!
Sometimes I try too hard to make things perfect and I only end up getting hurt, I realized that if i take life one step at a time that I will actually get to sit back and enjoy the finer things in life, I cant get caught up in wishing for something when I have no control over whats going to happen, I just want to be myself, bec0z if u loose who you are then you have no reason to live or do anything, if you loose yourself then all your left doing is pretending to be someone that you arent, and that gets you nowhere in life, but most of all, once you begin to loose yourself, you start to realize how precious the simpler things in life are.... ...life is only what you make it to be.Friends and my family are the most important people in my life. They keep me grounded, offer support, love and friendship, and frankly, what would I ever do without them? Oh well, guess Im a loyal friend and a trusted member of my extended family.
Ok thats just basically me...theres more to me than meets the eye, bwahahaha! ciao!
P.S. Im a good Samaritan, always giving...id save an animal over a human anyday...hahaha!OK now Im being too silly...bye!

My Interests

Death through drugs/ alcohol

I am going to die drowning after drinking too much/doing too many drugs. Dying like all of the greatest rockers – because I live like one. I like to party and experiment with perception. Rock on hippie!!!
Death through extreme sports

I am going to die in an extreme sports accident. I like to live life fast and hard. What’s the point if I don’t? Live fast, Die young, Leave a good looking corpse. Right?

I'd like to meet:

If u gOt a pULse, iTs a gOoD sTaRtinG pOiNt||cOmRaDeS||tRuE bELiEvErS||uPtIgHt pEePz||oVeRLy-bItChY-4-nO-rEaSoN-nOt-iN-a-dIvA-wAy-bUt-iN-a- rEaLly-fRe AkIn-iRrItAtIn-wAy-tYpEs|| sMeLLy fOLks wHo dOnT aTLeAst aTtEmPt 2 dEoDoRiZe 4 d sAkE oF gOoD tImEs --iMnA mAke eM eAt dEos--||pEoPLe wItH rEaLly tInY tEeTh aNd rEaLly hUgE gUms iMnA aSk 4 aUtOgRaPh uSiNg tHeIr tEeTh,hAhA!--|| bIgOtS/rAcIsTs/cHaUvInIsTs --d kInD hU r rEaLly cHaUvInIsTs aNd nOt jUsT bEiNg dUmB-aSsEs fOr lAuGhS--|| aNd pEePz wItH nO aPpReCiAtIoN fOr rAnDoMnEsS nEeD NOT aPpLy --uNLeSs, oF cOuRsE u *WANT* 2B lAsHeD iNcEsSaNtLy w/ a wEt nOoDLeS. tHeN I gUeSs iTs OkhEhEhE ---||AiTe TheN..gOtTa bOuNce mUh aSs oUtz 4 nOw, jEz hOLLa aT mEeh iF yALL dUmMiEs gOtz sUm 'iN tUh sAy...


J-POP, Reggae, Punk, Techno, Trance, LatinoRap, Indies(Independent Musics)-- and songs of ColdPlay, Snow Patrol, The Cardigans, Evanescense, Travis, Oasis, Keane, Stereophonics, Blur, Joshua Radin, Turin Brakes, The Killers, Death Cab for Cutie, Incubus, Hinder, Third Eye Blind, Radiohead, U2(Dont Look Back in Anger), EnYa: (Only Time, Orinoco Flow, Wild Child, Adeimus, Dance with Wolves, Tea House Moon, Lothlorien, Amarantine, aNd mAnY m0Re)...EniGmA, GrEg0RiAn, HiGhLaNd:(Vinni Viddi Vicci), and Franz Ferdinand




UKCoUnTDoWn,TfC ThaTs AlL FoLkS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
