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Mödern Young People

About Me

• A collective exhibition at agnes b.’s LIBRAIRIE GALERIE. after Paris in april 2008, now in Hong Kong from 12 December 2008 to 14 March 2009
• A book in French language and double CD audio compilation produced in conjunction agnès b. / Naïve
• A vinyle audio compilation produced in conjunction agnès b. / Born Bad
• A documentary realised by Jérôme de Missolz and Jean-François Sanz produced by Love Streams agnès b. Productions
Between the late 70s and mid-80s, in the wake of the punk wave and in parallel to other types of music like disco, funk, ska and reggae, a prolific and chaotic music scene began to develop in France, combining the energy of rock and the nihilism of punk with electronic experimentation.
The Art Pack - Des jeunes gens modernes Exposition Agnès b.

envoyé par FatCat_Films
The period was not, on the whole, one of optimism and joy, played out as it was against a background of economic crisis and the cold war. The tendency was rather towards disillusion, accompanied by a clear-sighted recognition that a stalemate between the generations would be unavoidable in the short term.
Paradoxically, as it would appear, a kind of hope and frenzied vitality could also be detected during these years. Both were fed by a sort of modernist utopia, which was sometimes wilfully ironic. This was largely based on a certain fascination with technical progress and, by extension, on a belief, tinged with mistrust, in the infinite perspectives that the new technologies now seemed to offer.
A whole section of France’s youth found itself confronted by the contradictions of the times it was living in: young people were torn between the sensation of living on the edge of an abyss and hope for the dawning of a new world; they were deprived of tangible ideological landmarks but resistant to the posthippy utopias of the previous generation. In search of an identity, they recognised themselves in the dark lyrics, the cold synthetic music and the laid-back attitude of the new groups bursting up all over the country, as much in the provinces as in Paris.
With the benefit of thirty years’ hindsight, the project "Des Jeunes Gens Mödernes" [Modern Young Men] (featuring an exhibition, a book and an audio compilation produced in conjunction with Naïve, as well as a documentary) reactivates this post-punk/novo diskö/French new & cold wave scene, by means of selected works, personal testimonies and documented records. One of the project’s ambitions is to highlight a cross-section of the specific creative diversity of this scene: it does so by engaging with the music it produced, but also with the aesthetics, the attitudes, and the recurring problems that developed in parallel, looking particularly at its relationship to the modern world. So, first and foremost, it is about recreating the atmosphere and spirit of the time through what was most characteristic about it (and sometimes what partook of caricature), rather than making an exhaustive list of what was produced during those years in the style that concerns us.
The project also aims to pinpoint the links that exist between that particular scene and present-day artistic creation. Multimedia by definition, the exhibition section thus contrasts various documents, artifacts and original works of the time with recent productions by contemporary plastic artists, musicians and video producers, whose work echoes, in one way or another, this particular sphere of influence of the French underground.
To discover at the galery :Marquis de Sade, Elli et Jacno, Artefact, Taxi Girl, Marie et les Garçons, Mathématiques Modernes, Etienne Daho, Lio, Suicide Roméo, Electric Callas, Modern Guy, Tokow Boys, Casino Music, Lizzy Mercier Descloux, Jad Wio, Kas Product, Edith Nylon, Metal Boys/Metal Urbain, Charles de Goal, Messageros Killers Boys, Norma Loy, Guerre Froide, A 3 dans les W.C.… entre autres!

galerie du jour agnès b., Paris, april 2008, photos by Laura Morsch

My Blog

who are the "Mödern Young People"

Between the late 70s and mid-80s, in the wake of the punk wave and in parallel to other types of music like disco, funk, ska and reggae, a prolific and chaotic music scene began to develop in France, ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 09:23:00 GMT

Jeunes Gens Mödernes et Bizot selon Frank Darcel...

Frank Darcel, guitariste de Marquis de Sade, Octobre puis Senso, producteur de Etienne Daho (et d'autres...) -aujourd'hui ecrivain- a publié un article sur les Jeunes Gens Mödernes sur son blog. inter...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:34:00 GMT

Des Jeunes Gens Mödernes on Tribeca 75

http://www.tribeca75.com/index.php?action=article&numero =473   j'aimerais le mettre sur la page mais toutes mes tentatives sont ete vaines. meme avec les codes donnés par Tribeca75. si quelqu...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:55:00 GMT

article Libération/G. Lefort/lundi 7 avril 2008

"Moderne, disaient-ils"  par Gérard Lefort, lundi 7 avril 2008   Chaotique et prolifique, la mouvance artistique et musicale qui agita la France de 1978 à 1983 s’expose jusqu...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:25:00 GMT

tracklisting compil CD chez Naïve

voici le tracklisting de la compilation audio double cd à sortir chez Naïve le 22 avril. CD 1 1 Perspective Nevski  "Moment Of Hate" 2 Mécanique Rythmique  "Extase" 3 Guerre Froide  "Ersatz" 4 ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 03:54:00 GMT

L'album DJGM vinyle Born Bad Records est sorti!

voici la selection faite pour la version vinyle de la compilation audio des Jeunes Gens Modernes sur Born Bad Records. elle est sortie et disponible notamment a la galerie du jour, au magasin Bor...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:02:00 GMT


  Le projet "Des Jeunes Gens Modernes" se déclinera en : " une exposition (du 3 avril au 17 mai à la galerie du jour agnès b.) Multimédia par définition, la partie exposition confronte ainsi di...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 17:00:00 GMT