pete. profile picture



About Me

The name is Pete Randy,
Ordinary boy with ordinary desires.
If you want to know me, watch how i dance.

My Interests

"The problem of leisure, what to do for pleasure?"

I'd like to meet:


"once I had a love and it was divine, soon found out I was losing my mind"
"burn down the disco, hang the blessed dj, because the music that they constantly play, it says nothing to me about my life"
"every time i see you falling i get down on my knees and pray"
"like a lonely seabird, you've been away from land too long. seabird, seabird, fly home"
"all i ever wanted, all i ever needed is here in my arms. words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm."
"there's this one thing you did, there's this one thing that got me trippin'"
"if i ever feel better, remind me to spend some good time with you. you can give me your number, when it's all over i'll let you know"
"if this is living, how come i never feel alive?"
"you make me want to pick up a guitar, and celebrate the myriad ways that i love you"
"when we was young, oh man did we have fun - always, always"
"people don't dance no more, they just stand there like this"
"don't know why i can't locate this feeling that i would rather be with you. don't let 'em closer to this secret, that i may love you"
"shake it like a polaroid picture!"
"i could leave you, say goodbye. or i could love you, if i try"
"and the talking leads to touching. and the touching leads to sex, and then there is no mystery left."
"the hate i feel is part of what fuels me"


"Look at me. jerking off in the shower. this will be the highlight of my day"
"Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get"
"Ass to ass!"
"I may be a drape, but I love your granddaughter. And if that's a crime, I'll stand convicted, ma'am"
"I chose not to choose life; I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you got heroin?"
"Lucky manuelooo, lucky manuelo, hij vocht voor z'n geluk, hij vocht voor z'n gelijk, lucky manuelo"
"care for a smoke?"
"I killed my grandfather, because he is a cheater who likes to tell war stories, and I killed my grandmother because she's a passive-aggressive bitch who doesn't respect my privacy"
"I wish i knew how to quit you!"
"Was that the first time someone sang the National Anthem into your ass?"
-Is this the Cocksucker residence?
-God damn you! Stop calling here!
-Is this 4215 Pussy Way?
-You bitch!
-Now let me check the zip code. Two-one-two-fuck-you?
-The police are tracing this call this very minute.
-Well, Dottie Hinkle, then why aren't they here, huh, fuckface?
-I beg your pardon?
-Who is this?
-Mrs. Wilson from the telephone company. We understand you're having some trouble with an obscene phone caller?
-Oh Mrs. Wilson, I'm so sorry. These calls are driving me crazy! I've had my number changed twice already. I'm a divorced woman, please help me.
-Well what exactly does this sick individual say to you?
-I can't say the words out loud, I don't use bad language.
-Oh yes I know it's difficult but we need to know the exact words.
-I'll try. COCKSUCKER, that's what she calls me.


"Oh mr. Shefieeeeeeeeld!"
"Not hot? When this guy woke up, he was white!"
"Like i once said to Celine Dion, why the long face?"
"-Dad, you can't put a dog outside in the middle of winter. It's inhumane.
-No Bud, inhumane would be to force him to work at a shoe store for minimum wage and then have him come home to a red-headed Shih Tzu"
"I'm not a malicious woman and I will strike down the first person who says that I am."
"Mine's tiny, it's like a cat's anus"


"Ik moest dit voor mezelf doen. Ik ben niet triest"
"Waarom? Daarom. Daarom is geen antwoord. Onzin, waarom is geen vraag."
"Toen hij voor de eerste keer bij mij op bezoek was zei ik: 'Bij ons word je klein geboren. Daarna word je groter en groter, soms zelfs zo groot als een basketballer. Tegen het eind krimp je weer een beetje. Dan komt de dood en ben je weg."
"De ziel genezen met de zinnen, en de zinnen met de ziel"
"Het wonder is geschied, mijn pruim is nat en 't regent niet!"
"Soms loop ik mijn hersenschimmen achterna en die brengen me dan bij een afgrond waar ik bevend voor terugdeins"
"Ik wilde hem beschermen, ik wist zeker dat ik dat kon, ook al was ik niet in staat mezelf te beschermen."
"Zijn liefdeshonger was nog te groot, zijn wil om in de liefde te mislukken nog te klein."
"Toen hij haar huid opengehaald had, bleef ze mij over zijn schouders heen in de ogen kijken en ik keek terug met alle liefde die ik ooit had verzameld uit films, boeken, schilderijen, bedden."


"..slightly fantastic.. a stroke of pure pop genius"
"if you're comparing our debuts, Dylan's making chips and I'm drinking champagne"
"there's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about"
"honestly, I like everything, boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny"
"in the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes"
and this guy! =

"to know you is to love you"