I play video games. Thats more or less it, really.
Books are awesome. I try to be reading one at any given time. Reading really opens up things to do that aren't playing video-games... or napping.
Favorite games of mine are: Guilty Gear Accent Core, Soul Calibur IV (though I do begrudge it some things), Devil May Cry 4, Gitaroo Man and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Been up to my old tricks these days, for the most part. Reading, watching anime, working and playing video games. My biggest time sink these days is world of warcraft, though I really can't say that's surprising. Hopefully when RE5 comes out, it will be a glorious beacon that will shine brilliantly from the darkness and let me switch things up a bit. In other news, Clannad, a show I have been greatly enjoying, dealt me a savage betrayal in the form of After Story episode 16. I must say, watching this episode has to be one of the worst decisions of my life. It was exceptionally well done, but I really don't think anyone deserves to have such suffering thrust upon them. While 39 episodes into a 47 episode series is pretty late in the game to call it quits, I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to watch it anymore...