All i can be is me.
I am A bitch, not can be, i just am.
i love good singers. There is something about someone with a good voice.
im a family girl. Me and my mom fight.[a lot] But i love her Couldn`t make it without her..
Tanning beds are an amazing invention.
Being confident and being conceded are two totally different things.
I have no idea where im going to be in 10 years. I dont plan out tomorrow. I cant plan ahead.
High school drop out that works at McDonalds.. But im Happy So being a loser in your eyes
really doesn't matter.
Looks really dont matter to me. To an extent, There has to be some sort of physical attraction
in a relationship.
I am sick of being alone.
I was a heart breaker but then it happened to me. So now i have feelings and they fucking suck
I Love Pictures.
Bad mouth.
My Lips are my favorite thing on my body.
I cant spell for shit.
i wish i had more time to do little things, like play playstation with my little brother.. or hang out with all my friends