Lost Cause (Won't Stop) profile picture

Lost Cause (Won't Stop)

cupids got me in a chokehold

About Me

Created with mySpace Profile Editor value my friends over everything.. never turn your back on the ones you love

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

throughout life i've been neglected, left to die, a social outcast that no one ever gave a fuck about. well since i was a young kid i've believed every word they said. in a world of lies and deciet, i find death to be the only true thing there is. if you want to know how i feel or what goes through my head, listen closely to the words i say. i've watched friends die and people turn their backs on so called loved ones. i don't have time to get caught up with worthless lines about a life i don't lead. i'm trudging foward losing one more day of my life, inching closer and closer to dying. and i've never been so sure of anything before then i am now."


the enitre techademics series, haggard, shawshank redemption, the hellfest trilogy, texas chainsaw massacre(more old than new), dazed and confused, at home with every time i die, steveo:out on bail, high fidelity, clerks, dogma, mallrats, chasing amy,


chapelle show, oven fresh, daily show, howard stern, conan o'brien,


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My Blog

second compilation of thoughts

MY FIRST SIN WAS THE YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL Dont leave the houseCept for the barAnd MusicHope your life is good No jobNo sleepNo lifeYou're such a sweetheart Drunk every nightNo pleasure in itIt's no lon...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:57:00 PST

how hard can it be

how hard can ut be to find a decent girl in atlanta. ive been in orlando 5 days and have met like 4 or 5 girls worth pursuing if i lived in this place....this is me calling out to anyone who reads thi...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:54:00 PST


orlando is awesome..i love the people here.there hasnt been a sour moment here the entire time, except for krueck losing his wallet and not getting the first nigt of luvero.bouncing souls/street dogs ...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:27:00 PST

akk i want for christmas..........

fuck wishung at 11:11 and th hekk with getting hat you want for xmas....i asked, was told it was mine and its not happening, its not a matierial possession so nobody else can get it for me either so f...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:21:00 PST

i had an epiphany

as im sleeping in the back of my car saturday night at 430 in the morning in 20 degree weather in this guys driveway i realized who my true friends are....there are only three....and im glad that...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:05:00 PST

dontcha hate it when....

youre watching good comedy and it is interuptted by sheer anger?not necessarily at someone else but more at yourself for leading yourself to believe that your life is going to take a turn for the bett...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 10:15:00 PST

hey anybody

give me a chance.....you wont regret it
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 04:44:00 PST

this buds for you

im so tired of being fucked over...people need to make up their minds..shits rediculous..
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 07:24:00 PST

boo ya

You said money cant buy me love and that's trueBut money can buy me drugs so that's coolThe best of the worst skinhead Rob one and only fully loadedRidin dirty and I'm feelin kinda lonelyOf a wet one ...
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 07:27:00 PST

girlfriend application

yeah all you gotta do is reply.....thats it...hahah
Posted by Lost Cause (Won't Stop) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST