mRs. SaNz profile picture

mRs. SaNz

can U Ride with yo Legs wiDe opEn n my HAND between ur Thighs?

About Me

now dat we're up CLOSE and on dat PERSONAL level...lemme chop up the basics fa' yall.....
first THINGS first
1 .....We're not FRIENDS!
2 ......We're myspace ASSOCIATES with da' possibility of becoming BUDDIES/FRIENDS in da' near FUTURE!
3 ....ONE n TWO are really important for u 2 read them again if u have 2...cuz once u do... "U'll BE lucky to HAVE me....N sTUpiD 2 let Me GO!"
The SEXUAL dictionary definEs me As an ORAL MASTER.....lmao...especially when it comes to WOMEN..
bOtTom LinE is IM

...BeLLa... nAmE eLEvaTeD buT i StilL aCt AVERAGE
I love it how some people that don't know me personally have all these different views and opinions on me. People really love to judge a book by it's cover and it makes me laugh at how some people have that whole I'm-so-SEXY-and-so-much-more-BETTER-than-you image down to a tee, yet they are really only a little wimp. People love to judge me only from the photos they see, but let me tell you something about photos....they don't say much about a person at all... especially MEH! Cuz as u can see GOD has blessed me with some extremely photogenic genes giving u a glimpse of all the chapters in my BOOK
.. I am who I am and I'm not a poser. I'm not going to get a mowhawk and start punching walls just to prove to everyone how hardcore I am...Anyway... I'm not gonna sit here and babble about my whole life and the shit I've been through however I will tell you this.....I like to have fun and I like to stay away from violence cuz I grew up with nothing but violence. Violence is retarded....HOWEVER, I don't let people step on my toes either. So that's all I gotta say...don't ever, ever judge a book by it's cover. I never do. You never know what's out there and if people really are who they say they are.... P.S.- Give me respect, I give you it? come smoke a BLUNT full of dat sticky…icky….icky....
with a motha FUC'n G

My Interests

Dez are Sum of ma Favorite Jamz

What every kiss MEANS -Kiss on the stomach; I'm ready.-Kiss on the Forehead; I hope we're together forever. What the gesture means -Holding Hands; We definitely like each other.-Slap on the Butt; That's mine.-Holding on tight; I don't want to let go.-Looking into each other's Eyes; I just plain like you.-Playing with Hair; Tell me you love me.-Arms around the Waist; I like you too much to let go.~Laughing while Kissing; I am completely comfortable with you. Advice Don't ask for a kiss, take one.If you were thinking about someone while reading this,you're definitely in Love. .... ...i AM...

I'd like to meet:

ok what the hell man? I know I have lots of friends on here but it's not like I can help it ok? I didn't join this thing thinking, "OMG I SOOOO HAVE TO GET A MILLION FRIENDS ON HERE!" Yea right! It was more like someone invited me to join and I was like k wutever....another stupid lame online community. Who would've known that my profile would turn into some kind of weird "Bella Phenomenon!" hahaha! What I'm trying to say is.....just because I have lots of friends on here and blah blah blah...that doesn't mean that I'm not a normal girl who wants to meet normal and down to earth people.... BECAUSE I AM AND DO!So don't be afraid to write me...I will read them all, HOWEVER I may not write back to everyone because I honestly get a billion notes a day. If you are just writing to say... "ohohohoh fuck me you're hot!" I won't be able to write back ok? And don't get all bitter if I can't write you back....I'm not mad at you nor do I hate you ok?? All I'm asking is for some understanding...that's all....ummm what else?? OH YEA....AND PLEASE....I AM NOT SOME KIND OF ADVERTISING TOOL! DON'T FUCKEN TRY TO USE ME OK? all u stupid people posting shit for GUCCI bags..ring tone sites...and O yeah ma favorite one the famous "GROWTH PILL" ..dude... fuck off! I feel so fucken used!*breaths* Jesus....I think that is all for now...other than that...I love you guys. You gimme something to do when I am bored at 4 in the guys totally rock....just stop using me for stuff ok? Thanks...xoxoxoxox

My SexY StaLlions n SopHisTicaTed gAnGstasmaH FavOriTe pOsEs


My BeTtEr HalF
Who is the special person you love? mA Boo
When did you start dating? a LONG tiME ago.....
How often do you think about the person you love? AlL tHe Time.....
Would you die for this person? uMMm.....
How often do you see each other? EvERyDAy......
Who said I love you first? HE DiD
Do you have any pet like names for each other? YuP
If so what are they? Mi GUeRito...
Could you see you and your love spending the rest of your lives together? y not.....
Do you live close or away from the one you love? SamE hoUse.....
Have you ever surprised this person? NAw......
If so how? I SaiD NAw DAmmiT
Are you happy with your relationship? MOsT of DA tiMe
Would you marry this person if they asked you to? EnGaGED....
Will you always love this person no matter what? HelL yEAH
GeT to KnOw ME
Name: beLLA
Birthdate: a GorGeOus 23rd of NoVEmBer
Location: CitY of AngEls NigGuH
Eye Color: LiGHt BrOwn
Hair Color: NatURaL bLacK
Height: FiVE 5
Weight: 1-HuNdREd-35
Piercings: AlL oVa thE DamN pLAcE
Tatoos: InK'd UP
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: BoTH
Overused Phraze: GgGRRr
Best physical feature: my EyES.....DUH!
Food: ItAliaN
Candy: BlUE SouR StRaWS
Number: TwENty Fuc'N 3
Color: BluE
Animal: a WhITe PhAT PusSy
Drink: SpRiTE
Alcoholic Drink: AdIOS MoTha' Fuc'R
Letter: Vee
Music: AlL
Band: BliNk One-EiGhty-TWO
Song: LoSt wiThouT U
Actress: AnGEliNa JoliE
Actor: BrAd PiTt
Movie: da RoCK
TV Channel: CaRtoOn NetWorK
TV Show: GiRlz NExt DooR
Stores: AlL
Hang out Spot: dOwNtoWN loNg bEaCH
@~~ Your~~@
Bedtime: wHEnEva Ma pArtNer pUts mE 2 SlEep
Most Missed Memory: My BirTh
First thought waking up: UmM-Umm-Umm...i SlePt likE a Baby
Best friend: StEpHEn
Weakness: DiCK n PuSSy
Fears: DyINg
Longest relationship: TWo N a-HalF YeARs
@~~Have You~~@
Ever Drank: LiKe a PiRaTe
Ever Smoked: lIke a HiPpiE
Pot: OnLy DA beSt StiCky-Icky-Icky
Ever been drunk: a Few TimEs
Ever been beatin up: WhEn i Was Lil Ma MoMma DiD whUt it DEW!
Ever beaten someone up: daTs G-13 cLaSsiFieD
Ever skinny dipped: YuP...
Ever kissed opposite sex: AlL dA tiMe
Ever kissed the same sex: HelL yEah
What country do you want to visit: aLl oF tHem
Do you like thunderstorms: YES...
Get along with parents: SomEtiMEs
Health freak: Naw
Believe in yourself: iF i DoNt ...whO wilL?
Want to go to college: i diD
Do you have SEX: LOL….do i
How often: All DA time…LiTEraLLy
Shower daily: iTs A MUST
Been in love: YeSsIR
Do you sing: oN pEoPlEs BiRthDAYs i go AcCapELla
Want to get married: why Not
Do you want children: Who DoEsnT?
Hate anyone: AlthO iS eASy...i Dont...LoVe taKes cOuRAge so I saVe my StREnghT
What kinda of car do you want: a ChArGER
Do you like it: YuP
Do you like motorcyles or 4 wheelers: noT MoToRcyCleS BuT 4WhEeLerS r Da BiZNEsS
Do you own one: mY niGgUh DoES
What do you do for fun: AnyThiNg dAt ComEs to MIND at THe timE
Have any pets: a LoVely PuPpy
What are your goals in life: 2 LiVE LiFE 2 Da FuLlEST n wItHouT rEGReT

My SeVEn DeaDly SiNS
Who did you last get angry with? jOhN
What is your weapon of choice? a gOoG ol' SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLAP
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? hAhaHa....naw...iT lEaDs to OthEr THiNGs
How about the same sex? SaME thIng...
Who was the last person who got really angry at you? mA hoNEy
What is your pet peeve? SnOrE'n
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? i ReMemBA
What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't? CalL da WiFE
What is the latest you've ever woken up? 4Pm....bUt i WEnt to SleEp At
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? Da BoSS
What is the last lame excuse that you made? i FELl AslEep
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? oMg.....HelL NAw
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? nONe
What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? uMmm......iLl gEt baCk at Ya'll On This ONE
Are you a meat eater? EspEciaLly wHen We bBq AT da HOUSE
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? DAMN!.....i DonT RemEmbER
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? YES!
Do you enjoy candy and sweets? BeFoRE n AFTEr SEx
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? SpiCy......
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? lmao.....wrF...
How many credit cards do you own? tOO mAny
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? iNveST
Would you rather be rich or famous? RiCh......bElla Is AlreAdy FamOUS
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? Naw........
What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? CoLleGE
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? saME thinG
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? MarRiAGe n FamIly
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Naw....MAkeS u wAnnA gEt beTTEr
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? wiTh...or WithoUT cloThes?
Have you ever cheated to get a better score? HelL NAw....thEY uSEd to CheAT off ME..eSpeCially CHASE boOgiE
What did you do today that you're proud of? gOt up On tiME
How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? LosT CouNt ..PlUs i Dont wANna gEt in
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? ya'll TryNNa put Me on DA spOT!
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? ALL da TiMe.....cANt HelP it....itS thERE!
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? BoOty
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? a FEw tiMEs
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? LOL......naw
What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own? hIs GUN...
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? LiSA
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? nOoNe buT uNiquE as iT is...
Have you ever been cheated on? Yup...
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? NAw.....
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? NoNE......i GoTz miNe DamMit.....
What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often? LuSt
Do you do the least often? GrEeD
Is your favorite to act on? GluTtoNy

My Blog

Fight'n Temptation

"When you LOVE some1 .......give them ur'em u loved them no matter what....dont expect them to find out on their own.....alot of US have already been blinded by love once we SE...
Posted by Both MEN n WOMEN luv me..Im GoDs gift to Earth on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:50:00 PST

LiE'n MoThA fUcKaS

I've met a tremendous amount of people during my 22yrs some good.....some bad...this in their own way....however they all somehow have always lied....if u trust and "love" some 1 y not just tell them ...
Posted by Both MEN n WOMEN luv me..Im GoDs gift to Earth on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 02:45:00 PST