long walks on the...this is weeeirrrrrdddd
Good People
Anything that makes me feel something. Most of the new shit makes me break out in to a very itchy rash -- but I love the Beatles, I sweat when I hear Elvis, I like punk, I love new wave and the 80's, Prince is so sexy, Stevie wonder makes my heart cry, Micheal Jackson demands I dance, Rufus Wainwright your whinning voice is so lovely. Tom Waits, Peter Gabriel, damn this is a long thing to talk about. I love the not so new song by The Darkness. I love Ween. Polyphonic Spree makes us all so free....if you write me we'll talk more about this later because my beer is getting warm and I can't believe I actually wrote this much about a thing you can't possibly write enough about.
There is no possible way I could encompass my love for films with just a sentence or paragragh. Just know I live them, I make them, and I will always need them.
blah blah blah, anything I watch is all guilty pleasure but it makes me laugh (or cry) so I have to watch it.
There's a lot. I love words, so if an author puts them right I love their book. The Red Tent comes to mind, Being There, East of Eden, anything by Vonnegut, ahhh man there's too many I love, Steven King scares the shit out of me which is fun and so does H.G. Wells and Edgar Allen Poe. I love poetry even though it seems to be a dead art, ahhh damn why do people ask these broad based questions like you're answering questions for a quiz of cool. I like what I like, and you like what you like and we'll talk about it together and feel good all over without foolish judgements.
my dog. . . .