Photography, Movies, Food
.. Website of the day!Any industry folks, I love my job and enjoy being around others involved in the same things, I also have an interest in installing a Train airhorn in my car, so I guess Train horn machanics would be useful too.
I'll listen to everything but I'm a huge Clutch fan. Heavy Rock stuff like that. I'm seriously depressed over the shit music thats been turned out over the last decade, the one name solo artist bullshit cookie cutter music needs to stop.
Way to many to name, my favorite is: The Big Lebowski
I grew up in a news television family, so I'm a television whore when I have the time. Right now on my TIVO I should have 24, CSI, Big Brother, Dog bounty hunter, Family Guy, Rescue Me, Surreal Life, Las Vegas.
Tucker Max... nuff said.
Those few fellow Marines that I served with day in and day out