About Me
my name is Andrew . I am a christian. God amazes me in so many little ways that there's no mistaking the realness of his being.
I am a sinner. But then again, so are you (ROMANS 3:23). So if you would... please don't expect me to be perfect, and I will return the favor.
If the fact that I claim to be a christian, yet confess that I still sin confuses you, let me try to explain...
I have accepted Jesus Christ to be the Son of God. The Messiah that God promised his people, and then shared with the rest of the world. I believe that Jesus lived a sinless life. I believe that Jesus performed miracles, not magic. I believe that without the sacrifices of Jesus we would all be worthy of only death (ROMANS 6:23). I believe that Jesus died on a cross... for you (ROMANS 5:8). I believe that Jesus arose from the dead on the third day after he was crucified... for all of us, just as he said he would. The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (ROMANS 10:9). I know that ever since I accepted Jesus into my life I have been changing, this is known as sanctification. I am continuing to grow as a christian, I am not perfect. But it's easy to say that being perfect is my goal. Jesus Christ is the meaning of perfection, and my aim is to become more and more like Christ everyday. I still sin.. unwillingly.. but I still sin.Don't get this confused. Don't think that God doesn't care if we keep sinning. True salvation causes such a change in one's life that one should want to seperate themeselves from sin as much as possible. I believe that if you are saved you have the power to overcome sin, and we should not dwell in it (ROMANS 6:1-4).
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."(ROMANS 8:38-39)
I am a total dork. I go to UAH, and I just recently changed my major to graphic design. I love God. I love my family. And I love my friends. I'm a manager at a skatepark in madison. I love to skateboard, it's a lifestyle, not a sport. I respect women. I try to look at all females as a beautiful creation of God. I also respect men. I relate to them a little more... you know. I don't like talking on the phone for more than a couple minutes at a time. I like spending time with my family, even though I rarely get to. I have two nieces that prove to me everyday that God is real. I claim to be talking with my general manager about important stuff in the office while secretly we discuss the latest trailers for spiderman 3 and transformers. Sometimes I can be funny, but don't rely on me to always be able to bust out the humor. I love asking why.. or how.. I think a lot of people around where I live are too close minded.. especially about God and his works. I take pictures like crazy if you hand me a camera, so be careful. I'm frugal, and as gay as it sounds, I shop smart. I'm a realistic person. If something doesn't seem like it's going to work.. I'm not trying it. I'm an extremely picky eater.. you will notice if you hang out with me. I like to act like I can dance. It's a pretty funny sight. To know more... you can either message me, or contact me on .. iPUTtheROOinDREW
My testimony:
As a kid i was not raised in a church. My whole family to this day does not belong to the same church, so there's never really been a deep "religious" background in my family. However, i remember my dad telling me that he was a "spiritual" person rather than religious. I obtained through experiences (meaning they weren't shoved down my throat) a set of morals that i'm grateful for. I learned to respect my parents, to respect girls, and to respect myself enough to not let myself get involved with drugs, alcohol, or smoking.
The exact date that i accepted Jesus into my life is kind of a blur, but i remember the day. My dad, i guess being called as the spiritual leader of the household, told me about Jesus. and what he did for everyone.. and for me. I remember being kind of confused as to how a guy way back then could know about me.. and could die for me, so that i could go to heaven. but i remember praying in my pool that day, under the diving board as my dad swam away.. just kind of afraid of what would happen if i didn't pray the prayer. I remember going into my room after i got out of the pool and praying again.. to make sure that i said everything i needed to say.. I.. truthfully.. didn't feel all that different right that second. I didn't feel the huge rush that i was expecting. But for some reason i was glad i did it.
I eventually started attending Wall Highway Baptist Church in Madison/Harvest and i guess that's when i started to become more aware of Jesus.. my first time actually enjoying worship was when i would dance around with my friends to fun songs rather than standing in a big room with uncomfortable seats while listening to an organ playing. I still had no idea what worship was.
Eventually i felt like God was pulling me to leave Wall Highway.. i still can't really place a definite reason, it just didn't feel right, not that i have anything against the place at all, i had some amazing moments with that church. But anyway, i left Wall Highway and went stagnant for a little while.
A girl that i became good friends with and eventually dated brought me to the church where i currently attend. i surprisingly learned a lot about who i was, and where i was with Jesus from her parents, and i'm very thankful for that. anyway, now i enjoy watching our youth group grow in the true knowledge of Christ and his teachings.. and not so much what some person is wearing, or who's dating who. I don't know where God wants me in the future, but for right now it just seems to be Capshaw Baptist Church.
My priorities were really screwed up and i used to place my relationships before everything else, pouring everything, all my strength and care into them. but once i actually found myself not in a long term relationship, i began to see the awesomeness of God. I had experienced the greatest worship experience of my life and I learned in the summer of 2005 what it really meant to worship.. and i'll never forget.
Once i was not in a relationship,i had a chance to really connect with the people around me, not because the person i was in a relationship with was holding me back, but just because i was so obsessed with us, and the joy that came from us being together. i became friends with my youth pastor, and others in the youth group. and together we've learned things, struggled together, and have each grown in our walks with God. There have been so many times that i've asked myself "how can you prove that you have Jesus in your life?"
I know that i am a child of God, a friend of God, and a christian for a couple of reasons.. God has delivered me from a sinful life.. only because of him, i have a sense of what is right and wrong.. this is totally different than the morals that i developed when i was younger.. this is an awareness of sin in my life. I have become something totally different.. and totally different person than i was just one year ago. that is reason enough for me to believe in Jesus, but other reasons would be that God has watched over me, and protected me. For what reasons.. i do not know, but i feel that i have a lot of work to be done for God in my lifetime, and i can't wait. Also God has 100% responded to certain prayers.. and i mean.. i can't dispute that. Some people may try to convince me that it was all just coincidence, but there have been times when i've felt like i've seen things, and experienced things because God was trying to tell me something... and then days later.. it happens..
So in conclusion.. i am Andrew James England.. i'm not a Baptist.. i'm not a creationist.. or an evolutionist.. i'm not a calvinist.. i'm a human being..i sin, i screw up... i don't think i'm a perfect person, i don't think that i'm any better than anyone else.. i'm not fake.. i rise back off and "dust off my sandals".. and i continue on.. trying to living for Jesus.. because i believe that people can change.. and if not, then Jesus' death was pointless. most importantly i..AM.. a Christian.. and nothing else
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