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hello, im louisa barber, or billis.
go to alton college, im 17 now. hurrah...
really sarcastic.
talk to me, cos im often bored with nothing to do :)
well this is not your fault
but if i'm without you
then i will feel so small
and if you have to go
well always know that you shine brighter than anyone does.
things i like?
computers, music, sims, hayley williams, katy perry, taylor swift, pretty boys, big hair, ginger people, msn, talented people, compliments, wednesdays, fridays, random people adding me for no reason, males who wear tight clothing, good lyrics, good weather, good food, italy, american things, perez hilton, disney, topshop, comedy that is actually funny, whispering eye, the powerful christian woman and her meek husband, elizabeth, lee and martin, paramore, xboxing, computer games in general.
things i want to punch in face?
slow & boring people, people who think they're all that and therefore believe they have a reason to be horrible to others, girls who mess people around, girls in general, deluded people, going to college when i really dont feel like it, classics and english, being confused, males in general, being one of the boys, the fact that my myspace is a bit shizzle, when my games get glitchy.
now, i realise these things cant really tell you much about me.
so add me on msn if you want to get to know me.
[email protected]
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