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FOOTBALL...i now play for brentwood positions are (get ur head out the gutta).. na i play LINEBACKER AND FULLBACK..ive been playin since i was 6 years old.. i first started playin wit the central islip cougars with my brothers...Ever since then ive been in love wit football...everybody takes football as a "GAME"..yea its all fun but once i put that helmet on my head...its like everybody on the field kill my mom and all i wanna do it take ur head off..and put as much pain in ur body as possible...dont get the wrong idea im no a mean person unless i have 2 actually really nice(if ur nice 2 me)if u dont know that already..i just like to have fun and make people laugh as much as i can....but back 2 football..last year i was on the brentwood jv10 team, we won all 8 games and mad one team not gonna say the teams name cuz thats embarrising...yea we went undeafeted and it was the best year i ever had playin football...i was averaging 3 touchdowns a game and more than 100 yard...all thanx to my teamates that helped me do all that...and after our jv10 season was over a few players and i got moved up to varsity to play in the playoffs at stonybrook college...suprisingly i started at linebacker..and this year were gonna be at stonybrook college again for playoff game and we are gonna win this is a few pics from last year....thats me b
ALL I LISTEN 2 IS.. C.D.C..(ON MY TOP 24) check these niggas out the spittin some hot lava...really check these dudes out.. O.G/BLACK FACE ENT(ON TOP 24) yo these dudes is hot..dont stunt on em..evevrytime i hear sum new shit from them it gets better and better..shyt'll have u hook..check em out
funny: friday, next friday ,friday after next,
God n mah Brotha Steve