waTcHing MoviEs, hAnGing ouT wiTh fRiEnDs, maLLiNg, sTaRbux at 6750, sleeping at home
my star..who i may not see but i know is somewhere out there..defying gravity, someone who will not burn out or fade away...
JessicaSimpson - WithYou
MusicVideo Codes - PimpMySpace
SeReNdiPity, SeVen, UsuAl SuSpeCTs, FigHt Club, BEsT FriEnDs WeDDing, 10 ThiNgS I hAte AbT u, MaLLraTs, Lilo&StiTcH, FinDing NeMo, EmpeRors NeW groOve...italian job..the big hit..down to you, addicted to Much moRe
pAulo cuelhO, NIcholas sparks (rescue&the notebook), Harry Potter...