Doomed profile picture


Equal Opportunity Hater

About Me

Shit talker, coffee connusor and all around natural badass.

My Interests

Coffee.Interviewing bands. Damage. Amp magazine. green bottle beer. Mai Thai's by the pool. sun sun and more sun. i hate the cold. i was born on the beach and hope one day to return. I hate TV but i'm addicted to the news. Good conversation. pretending i can cook. People watching. Cameras. My 5-speed VW. Junk stores. whole foods. type writers. BBQ's. Having a passion. Being great at something. shows and dollar drink nite. Sushi. Thai food or food that is free is always a plus. Nars. Paul Frank. Hair product Junkie. Being totally spontaneous and loving it. Playing pool and darts when i can't see straight. the Real world Austin can go fuck themselves. Whiskey. Sake Bombs. Vodka Tonics. road trips. early early mornings. Ft. Collins. Venice Beach. sincerity. ROB.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that can hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes without using the word "like" 5000 times. People who enjoy good beer. Pinball players. Jukebox Lovers and Realists. oh, and Gene Hackman. AND PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO FUCKIN' TIP!


Misfits.BRMC.Hot Water Music.THE Boss Man.Iggy Pop.Jeff Buckley.Raconteurs.Sparta.Preistess.


Jaws.Wild Zero.Rules of Attraction.200 Cigaretts.


Rescue ME.It's Always sunny in Philadelphia.Six Feet Under


Bukowski. Dee Dee Ramone. E.E. Cummings. JT Leroy. Kilgore Trout

