About Me
IT'S UPDATE TIME!!!!Ok, I'm 25 years old, asst. manager in a deli in deer park, drummer of the Arrogant Sons of Bitches (www.asobrock.com), Bomb the Music Industry! (www.bombthemusicindustry.com) and guitarist/singer for The Blue Room (www.myspace.com/roomblue). I am lazy when it comes to finishing new songs, and all i've been doing is lately is working, practicing, and sleeping. I'm addicted to my sidekick, (it helps the boredom go away....A.D.D. doesn't help me either). I love playing video games, sleeping, and playing drums. Listening to new music is a big hobby and I'm always down for going to the casinos. I'm not jumping on the trending texas hold em bandwagon, I'm down for the blackjack tables. I love to read (especially when on tour). Anyways, I'm always down for a good conversation so feel free to message me. Peace and love! Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds