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This is a
What kind of World do you want?
We all have the power to make a difference
You can join me in many ways
One such way is to join me and
become a member or volunteer
with The National Casa Org.
The Year 2008
Learn What Change Is
Learn How To Think Change
It Is An Art Form
You are the Artist
You can only hold out your hand
for another person
The decision to take it is theirs alone to make
No Matter How Bad It Is Or Was
It's Your Choice
To Accept it
Deflect It
Build On It To Make a Positive_____________________
If the Glass is Life
I don't need to know whether it is
Half Full or Half Empty
I am more concerned about how I drink from it._____________________ "Be careful what you wish for
History starts now!"_____________________ Sometimes Something Just Hits Home
And Says It all About You
(New 12-30-07) ..
Courage Means
Doing The Right Thing
Afterwards You Walk Alone
I like my new hometown, it's a lovely place but I get the impression they don't consume much wine around here. I walked into a liquor store and asked if I could order a Chateau de Neuf du Pape '82. The owner replied, "I don't think they make that anymore."
One of my friends has suggested that the sole purpose of this page is to get people to visit my sites.
The sole purpose is to share and touch with everyone and anyone that cares or wants to share with me
The sites are a side benefit and each reveals another side of me
This page gives you something more and I thank you for sharing it with me
I am posting the video here because this is something I want to share with every person I can.
In Memory of Randy Pausch
Oct 23, 1960-July 25,2008
Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture_____________________ _____________________ This should probably be in the blog,
but I wanted to put this upfront
My original impression of people in MySpace
was that they were superficial.
I have come to find that is not true at all. There are a lot of great, nice, caring as well as cause active like minds here to make me proud to share this community with. And many of you know who I am talking about. It's not the environment but the people who make this place fascinating, You not only answer the question,
"What Kind of World do You Want?"
as James Taylor puts it,
"You got a friend" _____________________
The Best of the Day
I received an email which reads:
I just saw you on, does that mean you are really single?
My reply:
Yes, and I understand that makes me pretty unique over there._____________________
All Time Best Online Dating Exchange
If you are looking for your last wife call me.
Thanks, but I'm better off trying her boyfriend's just like when we were married._____________________
Yes, I see the humor in truth.
It kind of makes it hurt less.
Another Online Moment
Email Message:
Did I insult you?
No, were you supposed to?
Analyst: So have you met any one new?
Patient: Doc, I keep telling you I have no
problem meeting people. That's why I am here
I keep meeting the woman of my dreams
Analyst: So, this is a problem?
Patient: Yes please help me put an
an end to these nightmares.
As emailed to me:
The true definition of neighborhood....
That punk down the block
my daughter thought
she was dating
Those Main Page Ads
I keep seeing these ads on my main page
about girls wanting old men.
Just when I thought I was finally old enough.
In the MySpace Group “Can't Talk About Sex!â€
Can you talk about not talking about sex?
So How come none of the candidates
show an endorsement from Britney?
How come so many people will write in
to save a TV show
but can't find time for their love ones?
Am I the only one who shops at the Acme
that walks around going "beep beep"?
If your behavior is inconsistent
are you surprised
You have the
the problems you do?
_____________________Socrates said it right
By all means marry;
if you get a good wife you'll become happy;
if you get a bad one you'll become a philosopher.
After that last one
I am very much the philosopher
I will add
For the Right person
I'd give up philosophy
and concentrate on
studying anatomy fulltime
From The
If I Hadn't Seen This
Apparently, the new in thing in online dating sites
is pics of
Women posing in groups
so you can't tell which one she is
posing with the ex
Now there's a turn on
The Reason I took up Art
I wanted to learn how to draw
a conclusion without any problems
Kids Dooo Say The Darnedest Things
When a mom asked her kid if they had seen their father, the child replied:
Yeah he told me to go away, he said he was under a great dress right now
I was looking for some inspiration
and I thought I would say
Thank You