. [welcome to the kelly page!] .
[26] - [f] - [chicago]
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. [comment] .
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. [listening to] .
. [s4s] .
Why Add
- You love Kelly
- You're a girlfriend supporter
- Nice owners
- Always talk
- Always S4S | A4A | etc with everyone
Why Not Add
- You're mean
- You're a girlfriend hater
- You're gonna add then delete
- You're a stalker/impersonator
- You dislike Kelly and/or Jake and/or Aiden
What are you waiting for?!
Click Here To Add!!
Why Add
- You love Kelly
- You're a girlfriend supporter
- Nice owners
- Always talk
- Always S4S | A4A | etc with everyone
Why Not Add
- You're mean
- You're a girlfriend hater
- You're gonna add then delete
- You're a stalker/impersonator
- You dislike Kelly and/or Jake and/or Aiden
What are you waiting for?!
Click Here To Add!!
Why Add
- You love Kelly
- You're a girlfriend supporter
- Nice owners
- Always talk
- Always S4S | A4A | etc with everyone
Why Not Add
- You're mean
- You're a girlfriend hater
- You're gonna add then delete
- You're a stalker/impersonator
- You dislike Kelly and/or Jake and/or Aiden
What are you waiting for?!
Click Here To Add!!
Why Add
- You love Kelly
- You're a girlfriend supporter
- Nice owners
- Always talk
- Always S4S | A4A | etc with everyone
Why Not Add
- You're mean
- You're a girlfriend hater
- You're gonna add then delete
- You're a stalker/impersonator
- You dislike Kelly and/or Jake and/or Aiden
What are you waiting for?!
Click Here To Add!!
. [ about kelly ] .
Please congratulate them!
Welcome to The Kelly Page! This is a fansite for the lovely, amazing, beautiful, funny, smart, heroic Kelly!! For those of you who don't know, Kelly is the fiancee of Aiden guitarist Jake Wambold.
Kelly is 26, and lives in Chicago. Her birthday is coming up, so if you wanna send us a message or something to give to her, please feel free!
. [about the owners] .
BRIANNA is a college student and lives in NY. She owns 2 other fanspaces, which you should also join. She loves Transformers more than anything, and wishes to be one some day. Brianna has no love life, but her heart belongs to...well, if you don't know by now...then out with you!
ALLY lives in MA. She co-owns the Jake page with Brianna. She is with Paul (or some such) but will wait for Nick to realize that he should marry her =D. She's 16. She's married to quite a few people, including the other owners of the site =D
CHERI lives in England. She owned the now-dead Dead Romantics Aiden Fans and the Aiden Conviction Forums. Is married to like, ten thousand people including Brianna and Ally ;)
Will answer any questions, and you can find more about her on her profile
. [fun stuff] .
kellyism of the week [April 21, 2008]
"yesterday i saw a gay man slap the life out of another boy"
lolkelly of the week
LOLKELLY is temporarily down while we make more LOLKelly images. Please stand by!
Wanna submit something amusing? Feel free!! We're always looking for new content.
. [likes] .
Jake Wambold
Buffalo Sauce
"i also love flaming hot cheeto's even though i haven't eaten them in years."
"my new converse are the best shoes ever invented and i will probably be married in them."
"am the number one purchaser in the world of southbeach bars. i go through boxes a day"
. [dislikes] .
The nicknames "Bun" "Jakey" and "Jakers"
People who pretend to be her
People who are rude to her and her friends
People who don't add The Kelly Page
. [music] .
. [tv] .
SNL, arrested development, the office, law and order
"i think the office and arrested development are the best shows ever created"
. [movies] .
Kelly's not a big movie person cuz she doesn't have a long enough attention span. She's got a love/hate relationship with Samara from The Ring, though.
. [books] .
Anything with a pink or neon cover
. [heroes] .
Kelly Hagerty (naturally)
. [affiliates] .
The Officially Unofficial Jake W Fanpage
The Suffering
Dead Romantics
The Official Jake & Kelly Fan Club
Darkness And Decay
. [rules] .1. You MUST be a fan of Kelly.
2. Absolutely NO bashing! This includes Kelly bashing and boyfriend bashing! (This includes you, Brittany. lol)
3. If you don't know who Kelly is...you should probably find out. Otherwise... yeah.
4. You don't have to be an Aiden fan, but it helps.
5. Be RESPECTFUL to EVERYONE. This includes Kelly, Jake, the other guys in Aiden and their girlfriends, the owners, and other members. No flames will be tolerated. (Brittany... lol)
6. We're doing our best to keep this page updated. Kelly will probably actually visit the site from time to time, and she'll see everything you post. All the information on this site is coming from her, so unless you know something about her that she doesn't, please don't tell us something's dead wrong. However, please do report page errors and other small things.
7. As we've stated, we actually talk to Kelly, so we'll know if you're not her, so please don't pretend that you are. She thinks that's creepy.