01. Anime
02. Kano's house
03. Tennis
04. Video games
I've already met my special. I love her very much. She's nice, smart, and very beautiful. She shares lots of the same hobbies that i do. She always has lots of energy, but even when she is sleepy/tired, she still looks soo cute! ^-^ She'll always remain in my heart. She's even modest without even knowing it. cl=] she can dance, play tennis really well, and draw HECKA nicely. She also knows a lot about web designing. she claims that she sucks at all of those things, but that isnt true. As time passes by, i get to know her more and more. the more i know her the more i love her =D she's a really fun person to be with. Oh and if you're wondering who that person is, if you dont already know, itsEdit: (November 26, 2004) I'd like to meet my Carina in the past. I want to learn more about her and her past. Though I am happy now, I want to get to know her completely and get to know her more than i do now. I want to know everything about the person i cherish and love in my life. What more can I say? I'm very curious.Edit :: July 23, 2005 :: It's been really wonderful this past 1.5 years. I basically only want to meet new friends right now since i already have the perfect someone for me. As you can guess through my mentioning of this person previously, that person is Carina. Life's Great. =DEdit :: March 19, 2006 :: I don't need to meet anyone at all anymore. xD I'm content with all the friends that I have, and also, I'm happily in love with my kanojo (girlfriend) Carina. In three more days, it'll be exactly two years since I've first started going out with her. I'm really happy at the fact that we're still together. I love her very much. I cannot believe how many people at our school stay in a relationship for a few weeks to 1-3 months. That is really short. I guess I consider myself very lucky. :D
01. CPOP
02. JPOP
03. KPOP
01. Click!
02. Garfield 2
03. Jenny, Juno
04. March of the Penguins
05. Quill
06. She's the Man
01. Everybody Loves
02. Friends
03. Hell's Kitchen
04. The Simpson's