MySpace Countdowns♥ menech
Whatever our hands touch— We leave fingerprints On the walls, on furniture, On doorknobs, dishes, books, As we touch, we leave our identity.Oh God, wherever I go today, Help me to leave heartprints Heartprints of compassion, Of understanding and love. Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern.May my heart touch a lonely neighbor, Or a runaway daughter, Or an anxious mother, Or, perhaps, a dear friend!Lord, send me out today To leave heartprints. And if someone should say, “I felt your touch,†May that one sense your love Touching through me. Heartprints ~ Ruth Harms Calkin
I mean, FIANCé!!!!! hehehe!
Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine. Ralph Waldo Emerson