What Steve Woolgar Means
S is for Sensual
T is for Trustworthy
E is for Extraordinary
V is for Visionary
E is for Expressive
W is for Warm
O is for Overwhelming
O is for Orderly
L is for Legendary
G is for Godlike
A is for Active
R is for Refreshing What Does Your Name Mean?
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Thunder cats
What's Kinda Drunk Are you?
The Happy Drunk
Let the good times roll! When you’re out drinking with your friends, you’re there to have a good time and nothing more. Isn’t that what drinking is all about? You’re a blast to be around when it’s time to celebrate; always the life of the party. Who wouldn’t want to drink with someone who’s always cheerful and up for a good time? In your case, alcohol is not a depressant because in the midst of total drunken bliss, you always manage to fill the night with a whole lot of fun and laughter.
How do you compare?
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