* history * rolling hills * a gentle breeze * red rock *any rocks * thunder * lightening * autumn leaves *
* mountains * rainforests * fairytales * myths * open fire places * ~anticipation~ * a lingering kiss *
* every minute with my son * french movies on a winter’s day * the sounds of dawn as the birds sing in the suns first rays *
* succulent flavours * cups - no! gallons of irish breakfast tea * the aroma of coffee * Mangoes * chocolate * thai & malaysian food * an Indian curry *
*deep vibrant colours * hugging trees * traveling anywhere * traveling everywhere * especially overseas *
* communing with god & with nature * walking my dog * day dreaming * sunsets * a morning fog *
* reading * hiking * rivers & streams * music * inspiration * someone that can make me smile & make me scream *
* singing * flowers * silk * satin * velvet & lace * a boot obsession * people with a passion * a smiling face *
*bridges * clouds * being barefoot * rain * the amalfi coast * venice * chartre * patagonia * americas four corners region * segovia and toledo in spain *
I want to say I’m cute and sweet * But in person that’s not necessarily who you’ll meet * I’m feisty, placid, effusive, quiet, shy, warm yet can be cool * I can be an angel at times but I’m nobodies fool * I love company often * yet yearn to be alone * I'll fight tooth and nail for the underdog * So think twice before you cast the first stone * I’m a greeny and pro union but I can see all sides * I’m very spiritual - but don’t fret - I wont push it on you - so don’t run and hide (Mathew 6 has been my life's guide) *
I have a beautiful son who’s 3½ yrs old * while he’s the light of my life he just might be devil spawn* I love animals, old people, hell! just writing it makes me want to puke - even though its true * I believe ‘no food is unclean’ so have strange moral values that some might eschew * I hug trees and help all living beings - not just my fellow man * I think its important to do whatever you truly believe in - to the best that you can * But peoples personal lives are their’s and their’s alone * Its no bodies business what a person does with their body or in their own home * I’ve shared a house with a call girl, I’m pro-choice and I have gay friends * Yet I’m very straight laced, I feel no need to pretend *
I drink very very rarely, don’t smoke or take drugs * I pray for the same for those that I love * I believe it takes nothing to offer a smile or kind word - even when your feeling down or sad* I talk having faced many challenges in recent years not to mention losing my grandmother who raised me & my idolized dad * These events have helped me focus * I laugh and smile every day * its helped me see what’s most important * that chasing the wind is a fools game to play*
* There are some who think I’m pretentious, yet some think I’m a yob * I don’t care, I’m a contradiction in terms, but feel pretty balanced * Oh and I've recently resigned from my much loathed Dept. of Defence Job!
Photo's of Aidan, Family, Me & some of the interesting people I've happened upon on my Travels.