My name is Courtney Tippet, I am nineteen years old, and live in a lil ol Country town in SA! I have lots of hopes to travel the world while I am young, and enjoy a party or two while I'm at it!!I am so into my sports, epecially Basketball (Go Angels).
I am really into helping the community, and getting involved with the youth of our town! I think that little country towns and the kids in em dont get enough say, and i really wanna get the msg out there that we have alot more to say then what people really think!
I have lots of wicked friends, and I love em all (-:
The more friends ya have the better the party is.
I wana travel & want places to stay!! Lol
My Blog
And all of you who thought i was leaving, well i have decided to stay! Cant live with out ya all!
You should all come over seas wit me next year! K!! Posted by on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 22:42:00 GMT
Maybe -just maybe!
Hey i might be slowly getting it!! Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:55:00 GMT
I have no idea what i a doing!!
I am seriously just trying to work out this thing - I dont have a clue!
I need friends who can help me out!! Posted by on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 07:30:00 GMT