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I edited my profile with a magical clam!
well, i'm a fresh sassy girl who hates having fun!
i hate long walks on short docks, anyone who uses the words 'randy' or 'horney,'
and people who think the government needs to be enlarged.
people who say "should of" instead of "should have"
inordinate amounts of exclaimation points
people who say "hung" instead of "hanged"
skinny cats and cooks
fancy ketchup/catsup
the way i feel when i eat too much sugar
milk and eggs
the lady two cubicles down from me who shushes me under her breath
boring postage stamps
people touching me when it's unwarrented
when people say "suppose to"
i enjoy:
johnny walker black
planting flowers
when football teams wear their throwback outfits
driving to violent music
windy days
drunk jam sessions
carrying around an absurdly large pocket knife
more information:
i have a chip on my shoulder about being short.
i am apt to collapse in fits of laughter with no notice
i call the shots.