R0XB0X 3RD FiNGA STAY UP ♥ {08}<---- profile picture

R0XB0X 3RD FiNGA STAY UP ♥ {08}&lt;----

i DO WHAT i DO & i D0 iT WELL, BiTCH iM 0.G. CAN'T U SPELL?!

About Me

$ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 $ 0 U t H $ ! d 3 Click here to Get your Cursors! I'm one of those South Side representa's. And yes, it's official. I am back wit E-Dub! I'm back andI love mi hood, so u got so if you got something to say about it. You better be real with yours. Aight? I l Lincolns.
I have one but I cant drive it yet but soon I will. Thats mi car. Thats all us G's(Mi last name begins with) ride in besides this 1 sorry ass 'Lac. I hate it with an passion.My Ethnic Background. I sm part black/caucasian/indian.If u want 2 know more just get @ me on MSN messenger. Mi s/n iz [email protected]
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: R0x!e
Middle name?:: L0u!s3
Like your name?:: Y3p..carry!ng 0n th3 f@m. n@m3
Named after anyone?:: y3ss@ m! gr8 g-m@
Any nicknames?:: R0cK h3@d, R0c@W3@R, H@rD r0Ck
First Name: R0x!3
Middle Name: L0u!$3
Birthday: m@y 9th
Eyes: bR0wN
Hair: bR0wN
Fav color: bLu3
Day/Night: n!gHt
Fave Food: bUtt3r $@ndw!ch3$
Do you ever wish you had another name? n@w... !t$ gR0wN 0n m3 n0w
Do you like anyone? YuuuHHHH!
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? m!r@nd@
Who's the loudest? uhhh m3
Who have you known the longest of your friends? N@t@
Who's the shyest: n0n3 0f u$
Are you close to any family members? YuH
When you cried the most: c@nT t3LL y@
What's the best feeling in the world: Kn0w!n d@t u Luvv3d
Worst Feeling: L0$!nG $um1, n0t f!tt!n !n
Let's walk on the: $0uTh $!d3
Let's run through: 3-dUb h@LLw@y$
Let's look at the: f00L r! hurr
What a nice: @zz L0L
Where did all the: f00d g0?
Why can't you: SdFu?!
Silly, little: b!tCh
Tell me: wH@t$ wR0nG
Ran away from home: n0t y3t
Pictured your crush naked: yUh
Skipped school: n000
Broken someone's heart: $upp0$3dly yUh
Been in love: y3$
Cried when someone died: m0$t d3f.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: !t hUrT$ 2
Done something embarrassing: yUp !!!!!!
Done a drug: n0000000
Cried in school: yUh @nd!?
Your Good Luck Charm: d0nT h@v3 1
Person You Hate Most: I d0nT h@t3 I d!$L!k3
Best Thing That Has Happened: n0tH!ng L@t3Ly
Ice Cream: c00k!3$ & cr3@m, Ch0C0L@t3
WHO Makes you laugh the most: M!r@, N@t@, P@t D., K0hL
Makes you smile: ?
Has A Crush On You: DuNN0
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: YuHHH
Fallen for your best friend?: uhh 3xcu$3 m3?
Made out with JUST a friend?: YuHH L0L
Kissed two people in the same day?: n@www
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: 3wwww n@w
Been rejected: . yUh !t bUrN$ 2
Been in love?: yUhhhhhhhh
Been used?: pL3nTy 0f t!m3$
Done something you regret?: yUUUhhhh
Cheated on someone?: 0nc3, @nd I $h@LL n3v@ @g@!n
Been called a tease: uhhh y0 n0 $3
You touched?: m! CuZZ!n bR3nt
You talked to on the phone?: n@t @tt@cK
You hugged?: m! cuZZ0 Br3nT
You instant messaged?: uhhh n@t @tt@cK
You kissed?: n0 n@m3$ @t pr3$$ t!m3
You yelled at?: m! mom L0L
Who text messaged you?: N3N3
Who broke your heart?: n0 n@m3$ @t Pr3$$ t!m3
Who told you they loved you?: Mr$. P
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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falling objects

My Interests

First off I would like to give a scream out to The Father Almighty because without Him I’m nothing.
I wanna scream out to mi bestest friend in da whole wide globe MIRANDA! I luv you like a sistah(only if I had a sistah{lol}) Lovva ya muchz

Scream out 2 best friend since ’94 Natalie! Such a freggin G! lol I’m with ya now @ da O… yay, I think. Love u like an illegal immigrant! Lol ECUADOR! lol

Screaminnn out 2 mi cuzzin Angelica bka Mz Jelly! Stay blankin and crunk in da A! Luv u cuzzin!

Save the best for last! Mz. Neque u dat nig from back in da day, I’m talking bout R.O.G. mi nig! Lol but now I wit ya @ da O!! Luvv ya gurlie!

O.W. n!gZ Jessica the top O.W. GG lol, Courtney ur such an sweet heart! Luv ya amiga!, Andrew I need borrow ya black polo til da 1st! lol j/k luv ya brougham!, Trey where r u hidin? Lol, Adam such a freggin “G” when can I take lessons, Katarina hey what haddenin lol, Gabby hey man when u comin 2 da O?, Daniel hey bud!, Kelsey so uh how bout that Zaxby’s? lol, Nigel what ^ Im @ ur school now! Lol, Diamond how u doinz? Miss seein ya!, Quentin hey dude o.w. representative, Davontae hey keep talking and imam comb one of ya waves! Lol jk, Tevin the brougham from way back playin legos 2getha lol., Britney u and that dancing lol jk stay crunk lil mama!, Brianna it had been a while since we saw each other but glad u doin ight!, Monise hey thanks a lot 4 those rides 2 work lol I appreciate that! Shanise hey gurlie u stay blankin wit da clothes game okay!!

Sum random ppl of da QC or da NC; Sum random ppl of da QC or da NC; Charlieo I may not be @ e-dub anymore but do u still got luv?, Yung Killah u is a beast @ the rap game gahdamn! Lol keep it ^ bruh, J.M. how u doinz I luv ya dude! Mz. Sha Sha I luv ya girl!, T.J. what would the world be w/o u… ::speechless:: lol, Sherrod its been like 500 years glad 2 b able 2 keep in touch wit ya!, Kengie I miss ya bruh u were a crunk person 2 talk and 2 relate 2!, AND ERRYBODY ELSE HOLDIN DOWN 4 DA QC/NC!

$um ppl @ da O! Nat Attack!, Kohl stay funni and crunk and uh when can I buy da shirt?, LM Daniel u a cool dude and the “get the f serious face” is hilarious!, SIERRA!!!!!!! Hey I luv u! thanx 4 being such a good buddii!, Kimmy we thurr now u luv it and I still think is suxx!, Diana hey gurl u know im part ecuadorian riii! lol, Lisaaaa hey gurllllll I luv ya! Stay crunk and holdin up up e-dub!, Lance my brethren u r a crunk dude!but its all about O.W. lol, Daphne whats haddenin u said that da O has the best JROTC unit...que? lol,McKenzey(sp?) u r just plain flat out crunk/funny/adorable dude!, Oscar hey 4 da llast time ur not mexican! lol jk, Pat wish I was tall like u! lol, Tisha hey whats ^ since theres like no Zaxbys let go 2 bojangles and have lunch lol j/k, Jon hey whats miss u comin thru da zaxbys drive thru! Lol now I got class erryday wit yo azz…whatz ^ wit dat? Lol, Adrienne hey gurl I be luvin ur hair do’s!, Tally-bon hey gurrlllllll!, Daphne from Scooby doo lol jk but hey!, Walters what it do and plzz stop hatin on e-dub lol jk!, Mr. Fant hey I don’t know what savage how 2 do the ratchet but I kno one thang! And that is that I remember u from bak in the day! Lol, I KNOW THERE IS MORE BUT CANT REMEMBER LUV YA!

Mi fellow peoplez @ E-dub(don’t hate on them raiders!) Natari you know is all about that may 9th babes! Lol and u know DIRT SET ALL DAY lol!, Tweety I luv u gurl but please lay off da North Side…lol j/k, Ariel S. u know i still got luv 4 da e-dub! Miss ya!, Mi nugga Tony u dat nugga holdin it down 4 South Side! Much luv and respect, Tracey dat crunkness girl u! thanx 4 being thurr to talk to and thanx 4 da adventures!, Ashley… B.W. lol crunk hood I miss seein ya guh!, Moses watz up? How r u and the BW?, Carl fellow cadet how have u been doin in da BW?, Kay even though u don’t go thurr no more still gotta show ya l-o-v-e!, Dashana whats good wit ya hope u doin fine!, Paris…france lol jk but miss getting on ya nerve on the bus lol, Fuzzo I miss u 2 dude hope u ight!, Dommo u is just a nutbag lol jk but luv ya dude, Jordan babe heya! Lol I miss seein u I hope e-dub is treatin ya good! Eddyyyyyyyy mi fav Hispanic lol I luv ya man!, Uquilla mi nig from day 1 in da public school life! Miss u!, Eddie hey, whats happenin wit ya!, Shout out 2 da whole BW hood. Seti I miss u 2 bruh, Shado where u beenz hope u ight, Electra stay “G”, Sharika hey gurl whats ^?, Mario stay crunk ight I would gr8ly ppreciate dat!, Rashad hey miss seein ya, Quay black bass lol miss u 2!, CeCe how u doinz? Hope u stayin out of trouble in 1SG class lol SHOUT OUT 2 da FIELD! Carlos whats ^?, Josh b.k.a Razzzzz B lol I miss workin wit ya hope doin ight @ e-dub!, Edward heya!!!, Edwin whurr u be’z @...lol?, hey uh Chris..Brown… jk but hey Jacques miss talking 2 u in da morning in class!, Christin hey gurl how u doin? Stay blankin @ e-dub and da team, J.C. stay blankin on da court!, Maria I wish I was just as tall and purdii like u! :D, Halasia stay purdii!, Joey stay crunk and blankin ova thurr ight!, Ivana my dad is gonna do a drive by on u 1st..lol jk!!, Carlos K.(NY dude) til this day.. that shit is nasty! Lol, Tasha hey girl I juss wanna say 2 thangz! Whats ^? And SOUTH SIDE! Lol, Domonique heya thurr!! BJ(Stix Side guy) stay beastin on da field! Ight!, E-doe hey thanx 4 da big hug on mi last day e-dub luv ya dude, Ace of spades? Naw Ace Boogie hey luv dude! Lookin like ne-yo! nada but luv..what ^?, Marcus heya stay “G” mmkay, okay!, Triece gurl u tore up tha stage last year. I hope u become famous and don’t 4get about me when u do lol!, Trell ur such a bad azz and “G”, Chris R. hey whats goingz on I just want u 2 know the school u attend and whurr Its located That side is best side!!, Brittney J(stix side) I wanna know how do u say stix side in Spanish! Lol luv ya guh!, Crystal hey gurl I miss u a whole bunches!, Jasmine L. hey miss u and that raider battalion stay “G”, Troy hey dude miss workin wit ya @ zaxbys stay funny!, Delroyyyyy hey what happenin wit yaz?, Tiffany stay blankin and I hope u doin fine! Wish u the best of success!, Brittany M its gonna b hell of and experience playin b-ball wit u dis year!, Sarah hey I hope u doinz ite!, Jerell real funni guy luv ya dude, Big E miss ya funny azz, Ron I still aint got another nick name 4 ya, Jamez “yes im leavin” lol, Letoya hey lil d! lol jk but hey big ups 2 u dis year!, lil dookie b.k.a. Marcus heya thurr miss u muchz!, Nila b.k.a. simba heyyyy lol, BREEzyyyyyyyy hey gurl luv u!, Shane keep it “G” dude!, Antione hey miss u muchz!, Justin hey I miss u 2 dude!, Vanessa C. hey gurl I miss u stay purddi and funni!, AND TO ALL DA PPL I 4GOT LUV YA!

2 da Memorial Presbyterian Folk hey Nigel ur style is sick, Jarrel keep ballin ok, Keleigh whaddup it wit ya?, Walter thumbs sidewayz lol,My favorite thing in the whole wide globe is...

My Lincoln

I'd like to meet:

Jay-z because he is the best rapper of all time.

Julius Peppers from the gr9st team around! Steve Smith is on beastmode 24/8!

Maybe even you but you got to accept my city and side.

Sean May and Raymond Felton. They both came from Carolina! They are hott and got mad skills! Adam Morrison is beast on the court too!

Take the quiz:
Which North Carolina Tar Heel Are You

Sean May
Big Man Big Body Big Number

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I stole this from Naty! lol haha now what player! this is mi nicca Jenny Belle Davis G. she is the illest thing on the streets ri now lol
adopt your own virtual pet!
Ris forRevolutionary
is for
Ois forOutgoing
is for
Xis forX-Rated
is for
Iis forInnocent
is for
Eis forExplosive What Does Your Name Mean?

You are Pedro Sanchez and love holy chips.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are a Frappacino
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modernAt your worst, you are: childish and over indulgentYou drink coffee when: you're craving something sweetYour caffeine addiction level: low What Kind of Coffee Are You?

.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You're the girl who has everything but is still desperate for the thing she cannot have, love. Jasmine first wandered onto our screen in Aladdin (1992)

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --

You're a Shy Kisser
You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it
And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well
You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out
But you've got plenty of intensity in return What Kind of Kisser Are You?

Take the quiz: "How long can u last in bed???"

Over 60 minutes
Damn...u really know how to work it and keep the heat up for a long time. U prolly experiment and tease a lot. Your partner thinks you're a kinky bitch and loves doing it with u. U keep it coming and know how to make it fun. You really know how to pull an all-nighter and make it extra special. You get the caressing, teasing, and experimenting in all in night. It makes u even more irresistible and the sex even more intimate.

Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl
You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out.
Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it! What's Your Reputation?

Take the quiz: "What sex dessert are you? *PICS*"

whip cream
you like it all over...doesnt matter where it is...you love partying and being wild...do you like whips and chains too? YOU WHORE!
You are Sex in bed

What kind of sex are you?
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "what celebrity bootay do you have? (girls only)"

Youre sexy and know how to shake what your momma gave you!


I Like all types of music.

He's my Favorite Artist Jay-z, Jigga man, the gr8st


My favorite movie of all time



m! OLd3 Wh!t3h@LL Pe0pL3
N@t @tt@cK
Mz. C0urTn3y
L00k @ aLL da O.W. pe0pL3 @nD m0r3
m! Fr!3nd$ @ da O
m! 3-dUb Fr!3nd$
Yung Killah
Jersey Boy
m! 0th@ bUdd!3z
My Cuzzo Mz. Jelli
Click Me!



My father Freddie. Mi padre. He is my hero. I luv this guy!
But over all God is my hero!

My Blog

da O wasnt for me BACK WIT DA E-DUB!!!!

Well for ya'll that didnt know I dont go to the O anymo'i didnt like itso im back @ home now back as mighty raider ya digginbut i still &hearts my niccaz @ da Obut i needa gradute(i guess) on time...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:06:00 PST

New School, New Basketball Team, New Friends, last but not least New FANS!

Yo what it does errybody?Ya' girl is doing alright (I guess) You know that I attend the O, but reppin' E-DUB 2 DA FULLEST!!!So people @ da O got beef with me reppin where i came from, kiss my luscious...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:07:00 PST

:: m! d!L3mm@ :: h3Lp m3 0uT

      m! Curr3nT d!L3mm@ So imma tell ya'll like disthis past saturday was an hell of an experiencethere was a drill meet i had to attend (JROTC stuff)so I wake up @ 7 and pu...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:52:00 PST

Da Up Close and Personal CONCERT!!!!!!

yo 2day was hella crunk ya knowzfor 1 im from south side and second reason i was going to the chris brown and ne-yo concert!!okay our trip on the way there was hella crazybcuz like it started raining,...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:12:00 PST

Mi Job and Mi parents (I dont like being called a LIAR)

Whats been good lately. Okay i think now I am officially depressed. So much shit going on at once. Anywho my job for first. As soon as the last week of july hits I'm putting in mi 2 weeks notice. Its ...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:53:00 PST

2day I went 2 Waddell

it was fun lol(i know i am dork) but yes i went up there bcuz i had a meeting w/ the guidance counsler regarding mi schedule so anywho made us wait 4 like ever but yes i went walking around the school...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 03:02:00 PST

Well Mi Sobre Fiesta

Well as you all know that mi birthday party was yesterday, and yep yep!!! I had fun, wish I could do it again. But not that many people showed up from waddell or olympic showed up but it is cool. Stil...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 03:41:00 PST

Holler at your girl with that 3.37!!!

What's ^ you all? Hope your life is going better than mine. I mean, I don't know. I know God put me here for a reason. But sometimes I wonder. Why? Not supposed to questions His work. But I just can't...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 02:14:00 PST

Relationships & Bisexualilty, Its the nu fad.

I mean is it really? I cant take the shit no more. It just like ugh.I've been frustrated lately with school, boys, family, and life.I get confused, no need 2 worry not being bi-bi though. I need sprin...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 07:09:00 PST

Yeahhhhhh, I got 304 profile views

Yay I got 304 profile views! And I have 55 buddies! Yay, and u know what? Half come from the greatest school in CMS, Waddell!!! lol Well thank u all 4 accpetin mi adhd self as ya bidy but i g2g get re...
Posted by *{G-r0qq@}* [cUp!d g3t 0n y@ j0b!] on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 07:11:00 PST