Gabe's girl (claudia) profile picture

Gabe's girl (claudia)

I am here for Friends

About Me

I live on the coast with the love of my life. I am a professional poker player. My boyfriend, Gabe, and I travel across the country through out the year following the poker circuit. We are very fortunate! We dont have to work a regular job, and are able to go and do what ever the hell we want. I used to model, and I went to art school. I never could decide on what I really wanted to do, until I met Gabe. Now I am living a dream. Until Gabe, I thought all guys were assholes. Well it didnt help any that every guy i dated besides one, was a liar, cheater, and control freak. I never could understand why God made men like that. They all were just users! Well, I'm done bashing men, since really I was just way too nieve. I can now say that I have the perfect man. He loves every part of me, good or bad.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Christina Aguilera, get high with the Grateful Dead, and curse George W. Bush out
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Hosted at Groovy Machine
Hosted at Groovy Machine

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