Da BaDDe$t Raider B**** of The Raider Nation! profile picture

Da BaDDe$t Raider B**** of The Raider Nation!

I am here for Friends

About Me

.. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their WICKED schemes. ..It takes SKILL to be REAL, and I am...

Myspace Comments

Dont forget to be POLITE and,Hmmmmm, lets see...where do I began? I'm not your average type person so, here are a few words to describe ME. I am KIND, PATIENT, LOVING, CARING, INTELLIGENT, GENEROUS, NICE, HELPFUL, THOUGHTFUL, BEAUTIFUL, GENTLE, SMART, GIVING, FUNNY, BOLD, FEARLESS, DARING, STRONG, OUTSPOKEN, LOYAL, PROUD, COMPETITIVE, REAL, and POWERFUL! Do you get the picture?? The BEST friend you could ever have!! Just ask.
MySpace Graphics.. NOBODY, loves me like JESUS!!! ..I dont believe in horoscopes, but I am a

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the almighty LORD JESUS CHRIST! I would also like to meet some REAL people on here if your on here! I'm tired of all the fakes, flakes,SNITCHES, wannabes, cowards, punks, sissies, SNITCHES, b******, SNITCHES...did I say that already?, and culture bandits. There is just something about SNITCHES. Anyway, those who pretend to have your back, but they dont! Those who pretend to be down, but their not. Where are the people at that appreciate a GOOD friend and what GOOD friends do for each other. Seems like people are always trying to come up at the expense of someone else cuz they game aint tight. Well if your out there then holla back.We are all born original, most die as copies!

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MyHotComments /
MySpace Graphics.. Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord. ..

Myspace Graphics - Hilarious Videos

.. I can't help who I'm is.... ..

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