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Clarence W.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well…”about me” has changed, as I guess happens in life. I have decided to forego the old philosophy and adopt a new one. The new one consists of hope for a future and the presence of some more permanent and valuable things in my life. Pursuing dreams and creating new ones…. I imagine this will come off as a bit of a shock to some of you who have known me over the years. But those few of you who have really known me, you’ve seen this has been coming for some time. It seems that happiness is something you don’t find going out five nights a week, though it does seem to pass the time… You may stumble upon it while out, but it is the time spent outside of that environment; with friends and those important to you, for it to really reveal itself. I know this is all pretty cheesy, but it’s a nice place to be. Sometimes.... ;o)

My Interests

MMA, Life's design, The beginning of man and religion, Music, Health, Big Six Domino, Texas Hold Em'..... I love art of all forms, dance, cinematography, poetry, the greatest scupture of all...the human body.

I'd like to meet:

As many Cottonheaded Ninnymuggins as I can find. Or, I think I can better answer this question with whom I do not wish to meet: Anyone who claims to be sane...but isn't; anyone who claims to be crazy...but isn't; anyone who isn't who they claim to be, or doesn't know what they are yet. Unless of course you admit to that.... at least we can work with that. I also don't want to meet anyone who ".....wants to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed... or buy anything sold or processed... or process anything sold, bought or processed... or repair anything sold, bought or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that....basically i just want to date your daughter."


Hank Williams Sr., Luis Armstrong, Black Flag, Henry Rollins, Jimmy Buffet, Johnny Cash, Jim Croce, Jay-z, NWA, Aretha Franklin, David Allen Coe, Billy Joel, Elvis Presley, Zero 7, Roy Orbison, Danzig, Gnarls Barkley, Marlena Deitrich, Stevie Ray Vaughn, William Shatner, Elvis Costello, Ray Charles, Patsy Cline, Leonard Skynard, Kid Rock, Black Sabath, Anthrax, Bob Marley, Blink 182, NoFx, Cypress Hill, Mason Jennings, LL Cool J, Beastie Boys, Prince, Twisted Sister, Alice in Chains, The Doors, Sublime, Billy Idol, Stevie Wonder, and my Grand Mother singing anything.


JOE VS. THE VOLCANO, Wedding Crashers, Milo and Otis, Stewie Griffin's Untold Story, Serendipity, Anchorman, Old school, Three Amigos, Fight Club, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, A Fish Called Wanda, True Romance, The Outsiders, Mr. Holland's Opus, Donnie Darko, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, History of the World Part 1, Young Frankenstien, A Beautiful Life, Saving Private Ryan, The Princess Bride, Twelve Monkeys, Kids, The Last Picture Show, Scarface, National Lampoon's Vacation, The Godfather II, Notting Hill, Bloodsport, Porn, The Man With Two Brains, The Last of the Mohegans, Raising Arizona, American Beauty, The Abyss, The Empire Strikes Back, Swingers, Zoolander, Mississippi Burning, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix(but very irritated that I was tricked into watching a trilogy about the coming of a savior), Unforgiven, Snatch, A Clockwork Orange, ELF, Strange Brew, Far and Away, Good Will Hunting, Legends of the Fall, Finding Nemo, Braveheart, Passion of the Christ....though I hate Mel Gibson, Blackhawk Down, Big Fish, Seven Years In Tibet, and anything that makes me think about it the stupidity, the beauty of it, the size of it (it's Ginormous), my place in it, what I've done with mine, or would like to do with it, how lucky I am to be happy and healthy in it, to have it, and of course the end of it....


Deal or No Deal, Entourage, Chappelle show, Morning call, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, Fairly Odd Parents, South Park, and Movies.


Fountainhead, The Odyssey, Dante's Inferno, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Siddartha, Johnny Get Your Gun, On the Road, Paradise Lost..., all that existential mumbo jumbo.....


My Grandmother, Martin Luther King Jr., Hank Williams Sr., Joe Banks, The Sundance Kid, Clark W. Griswald, Hugh Heffner, Abraham Lincoln, and anyone who's gone from nothing to something, knows themselves and selflessly cares for others.

My Blog

The old "about me"...some of which still applies, some doesn't. ;o)

I'm stubborn, obnoxious, thoughtful, but completely absent minded, forgetful, borderline retarded, and scratching through the walls of my sanity. I'm lucky as hell, I know it, and I'm happy to be her...
Posted by Clarence W. on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:32:00 PST


Not in the boston "wicked" sick way...  Sleepless......
Posted by Clarence W. on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 07:05:00 PST

Groundhog day...

  Life has an interesting way of catching you off guard.  And when I say "you", I really mean me.  There are times in your life when your comfort level is so there, and you find yo...
Posted by Clarence W. on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:18:00 PST