Clarissa profile picture


Kisser of Boo-Boos, Maker of Cupcakes, Planner of Parties, Chauffer of Child Stars, Giver of Hugs, D

About Me

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I am 30 years old, from Sevierville, Tn. I have two boys 11 and 2 years old. What an age difference huh? They get along great. Jake, is my oldest and a very protective big brother. Eli, is the younger, and very very silly! Loves to make people laugh! We have had a tough few years, but we are finally in a good place right now and we plan on staying there! My main concern in life right now is my boys. To make sure they are cared for and happy. And thats the way it should be!

My Interests

..I love to read and write. Nothing inpaticular. I also have had weight loss surgery, and love to educate people on that. It has changed my life and I like to let people to know there is help out there.

I'd like to meet:

I guess your suppose tp put someone famous here but there really isn't anyone. I am happy in life at the moment and want to remain that way. My kids are my main concern. They take up a great deal of time. But I can be a good shoulder to cry on. If your looking for a loyal and good friend I would be happy to oblige!


..I am strictly a country girl at heart. Currently my fave songs are Teardrops on my Guitar and Lips of an Angel. My lil man lovessss Taylor Swift! He goes to sleep listening to her on a nightly basis!


..I love chick flicks of course! Love the romance and mushy parts especially. And believe it or not I love scarey movies. (In the day time of course) As a teen my cousin and I used to watch Friday the 13th every year, her mom would rent them and we would invite people and have a marathon of sorts lol... What days we had back then... *sigh* Still today she calls and wishes me happy friday the 13th!


..Csi, Csi, and Oh yea did I say Csi. I also love Ghost Whisperer and Ghost Hunters (MMmmmm Jason). Although I don't get a chance to catch them often, as my kids keep me busy, I try to keep up! (gotta love the on demand feature!)


..I will read almost anything you put in front of me. I am a chick, so of course I love the romantic novels, but I love to learn as well! So, I am constantly looking for new and different things to put my nose in!


..My mother, although I only had her a short while in life, she gave me a great deal. I miss her daily and it seems to never ever get easier. Her charm and witt are something I will forever hold dear to my heart. Her humor is something my own children have inherited. And her great cooking and talents are something I pride myself on, and hope to pass on to my kids someday.




My Blog


Well, it has been a bit since I put an update up. But I had a lil time this morning with everyone sleeping. We have had alot of tests this week so I thought what better time to update than now. He had...
Posted by Clarissa on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 07:55:00 PST

Not always on....

I just wanted to get on and let everyone know that lately I am not the one getting on here and checking my page. With everything going on it is not easy to grab a minute to check. I am the only one to...
Posted by Clarissa on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 09:03:00 PST

Just for this morning

 A friend sent this to me I thought I would share with you other moms it gets you thinking.   To my child . . . . . Just for this morning . . . . .I am going to smile when I see your face a...
Posted by Clarissa on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 02:43:00 PST

Just an update...

Just wanted to update everyone on my lil man. After finally finding out what was wrong all this time and the course of treatment he is doing well! Totally acts like a two year old should! No more brea...
Posted by Clarissa on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 11:08:00 PST

Happy Mothers Day.. In memory of my mom

My child I know you miss me, and I sense your heart ache, but know that I was welcomed, inside the pearly gates. I know no pain or sorrow, grief is gone away, and i can't wait to see you, with me up h...
Posted by Clarissa on Sat, 10 May 2008 12:56:00 PST

My life...

I wanted to post this morning about a few things, I know people have lots of questions about Mark. He is very sick and I don't mean as in the flu or a cold or something that is going to be gone in a f...
Posted by Clarissa on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:59:00 PST

I Got Tagged!

My first Tag!!!! OH what fun!!!! I GOT TAGGED Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to ...
Posted by Clarissa on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 09:19:00 PST

30 things you’d never think to ask

I was sent this survey and asked to post it in a blog so here goes!!! Hope ya learn something new bout me!! 30 Things You’d Never Think to Ask1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Nope2. ...
Posted by Clarissa on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:11:00 PST

2 month old baby put in mircowave!!!

Arrrrrrrggggggg!!! A two month old baby was put in the microwave by its father!! She was burned severely! And guess what he is pleading not guilty!! By reason of insanity of course!! OMG! Throw his as...
Posted by Clarissa on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:36:00 PST

Stop the abuse..

I am a member of a group called cafe mom... And we had a discussion today about the recent events in the news concerning abuse to children. There have been so many, the little 15 month old girl RAPED ...
Posted by Clarissa on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 05:07:00 PST