fran profile picture


About Me

Hey! My name is Frannie i am 29 years old. i am disablred i cantt work or drive.i have huntingtons. i live ww./ my mom.I live in Southern IL. I got myspace so I can keep in contact with family and friends. i walk my collie alotIf you want to know more about me..just message me!..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

george strait and new friends" target="_new">
Your Birth Month is October
You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can.
Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you.

Your soul reflects: Gratitude, comfort, and true love

Your gemstone: Tourmaline

Your flower: Cosmos

Your colors: White and yellow What Does Your Birth Month Mean?" alt="MySpace Comments" border="0">

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

Name:: FM ..

Age:: 30
Time started:: 525
x[Answer With 100% Honesty..*
What color is your underwear?: WHITE W// WORDS
Whats on your mind right now?:
Do you think you are attractive?: N
do you watch disney channel?: N
have you done something bad today?: N
do you bite your nails?: N
are you jealous of someone right now?: N
what is your mood right now?: GOOD
have you had an eating disorder?:
do you want to see someone this very minute?:
do you have a deep dark secret?: N
do you hate someone right now?: Y
who/what do you want to hug right now?:
are you loyal?: Y
are you in denial?: N
wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?: Y
who is your best friend?: SARA ADTRIENNE
have you ever consumed alcohol?: Y
do you like someone?:
does anyone like you?:
is it going anywhere with them?:
did you answer all these questions honestly?: Y
Spell your name without vowels: (aeiou): FRNN
What is the date 2 days after your birthday?:: OCT12
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:: ALOT
What color do you wear most?::
What's for dinner tonite?:: RAVIOLI
Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?:: N
Least favorite color?:: BROWHN
How do you make money?:: SS
How's the weather?:: RAINY
What chores do you have around the house:: NONE
Last myspace message you recieved?: JARED
x[The 5 W's..*
who is your best friend?: AFDREIENNE SARA
who do you like?:
who is your mom?: DIANNA
who bought you the clothes your wearing?: I DID
who is at your house?: MY SI
who loves you?:
who said hey to you today?: PATTY
who are you talking to right now?: NOONE
what town do you live in?: SESSER
what are you wearing?: JEANS SWEATSHIRT
what do your teeth look like?: STRAIT BUT 1 TIOOTH
what are you doing in an hour?: NOTHING
what is your middle name?:
what is your deepest secret?:
what are you doing tomorrow?: DONT KNOW
what is your boy/girlfriends middle name?:
what is in this for you?: FUN
what are you sitting on?: CHQIR
where are you at right now?: MY ROOM
where were you at at 12 noon today?: HOME
where is your toothbrush at?: BATHROOM
where do you sleep?: MY BED
where do you live?: SESSER
where were you at at 7pm yesterday?: HOME
where is your boy/girl friend?:
where are your parents?: MEETING DAD HEAVEN
where did you put your bookbag?:
when are you getting a job?: I HAVE JOBS BEFIRE 16 WAS HOW OLD I WAS
when did you graduate?: 96
when will you grow up?:
when are you going to call your bestfriend?: TOMORROW
when did you get home last night?:
when are you going to stop taking surveys?: NEVER
when was the last time you had a fruit smoothie?: LONG TIME
why are you taking this?: ITS FUN
why are you weird?:
why are you wearing what your wearing right now?: ITS COMFY
why dont you have friends?: I DOO
why do you live where your at?: 8I AM DISBLED
x[Are you spoiled..*
[ ] cell phone: Y
[ ] own phone line: N
[ ] bf/gf: N
[ ] own bathroom: N
[ ] own room: Y
[ ] 2 or more story house: N
[ ] built-in pool: N
[ ] guest house: N
[ ] game room: N
[ ] tv in your room: N
[ ] Double Bed: N
[ ] more than 20 pairs of shoes: N
[ ] 10+ things from a designer store: N
[ ] good grades: N
[ ] iPod: N
[ ] ps2: N
[ ] ps3: N
[ ] mp3 player: N
[ ] Mercedes Benz: N
[ ] basketball hoop: N
[ ] pool table: N
[ ] trampoline: N
[ ] has a beach house/ cabin: N
[ ] only child: N
[ ] stereo system in bedroom: N
[ ] DVD player in bedroom: N
[ ] gets £50+ for allowance each month: N
[ ] makeup: N
[ ] cologne/perfume: Y
[ ] msn messenger: N
[ ] 5+ trophies: N
[ ] 1000+ buddies on messenger: N
[ ] own digital camera: Y
[ ] electric scooter: N
[ ] met a celeb: N
[ ] straightener/ curling iron: N
[ ] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now: N
[ ] 1+ BEST friends: Y
[ ] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday: N
[ ] moved 3+ times: N
[ ] pet(s): Y
[ ] dont have a job.: DISABLED
[ ] alarm clock: Y
[ ] eat-out almost everyday: N
[ ] home-cooked meal almost everyday: N
[ ] been in a limo: N
[ ] own camcorder: N
[ ] own laptop: N
[ ] own desktop computer: Y
25+ means your spoiled
x[Little More Randomness..*
Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?: N
What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?: U
What is the best thing about your job?:
Quote a song lyric?:
Are most of the friends in your life new or old?: NEW
If you could be an animal what would you be?: DOLPHIN
Tell us about the last conversation/s you had.:
What is your favorite smell?: PEACH
What is your favorite sight?: MYSPACE
Have you ever gone to therapy?: Y
Have you ever toilet-papered someone's house?: Y
Have you ever played Spin the bottle?: NN
Have you ever liked someone but never told them?: Y
Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend?: N
Have you ever gone camping?: Y
Have you ever had sex on the beach?: N
Have you ever had a stalker?: N
have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: N
Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?: N
Have you ever lied to your parents?: Y
Have you ever thrown up from working out?: N
Do you think O.J. killed his wife?: Y
Do you close your eyes on roller coaster?: N
Have you ever been searched by the cops?: N
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: SOMEONE ELSE
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?: Y
Have you ever been punched in the face?: N
Last Person you called:: ADRIENNEE
last person to call you:: ADRIENNE
last time you spoke to your best friend::
what your last recieved text say? from who?: ADRIENNE
what does your last sent txt say? to who?:
your last hug from:: BRENDA
last thing you ate:: RAVIOLI
last thing you drank:: LEMONADE
last person you IMed:: ANDREA
last person you argued with::
last time you was in school:: 11 YRS
last time you jumped on a picture::
the last time that you went somewhere and you enjoyed it::
last place you went::
last games console you played on:: NINETENDO
the game you played on it:: MARIO BROS
last film you watched:: CHIMPUNKS
last tv show you watched::
last song you heard::
have you enjoyed this survey::
what time is it:: 611
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Girly Comments & Graphics

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My Blog


Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:40:00 GMT


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i walk my collie alot. i am disabled" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" flashvars="userI...
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new pics plesae comment them

new pics comment them please. thanks,fran
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 16:37:00 GMT

Check out this video: Alien Video

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Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 14:21:00 GMT