SitDownTracy profile picture


...take my shirt off? I don’t need a cue for that!

About Me

The story of SitDownTracy began 20-something years ago, in the back seat of a stolen car in St. Norbert. Conception was an easy step for Janelle Mailhot, who spent the years after her birth living, breathing and becoming the voice of SitDownTracy.Janelle decided to share the stage in summer of 2007, when she teamed up with long-time friend of German heritage, Trevor Graumann. Growing up in St.Norbert was hard for Trevor. Small towns can be judgemental, especially for Trevor who refused to wear a shirt at most times. To get through these tough times, Trevor resorted to guitar and Lucky Extra. We're proud to say it got him by.The small town folk continued to gravitate towards a maturing SitDownTracy. Aaron Zeghers, prodigal son of Holland, Manitoba, joined SitDownTracy with his super duper long bass. It sounded tasty like a pie.In a desperate plea strewn across the interweb, Matt Powers joined with a crash, thumpity, thump, thump, crash. Matt drives the SitDownTracy bus, with a flourish here, a flourish there, and a "holy shit that drummer is awesome" everywhere.***Beware, there is a Matt Powers imposter. We hear that he writes for The Lance... South Winnipeg's community news champion.Since the final imalgimation of SitDownTracy, we have been fighting to find a genre that we clearly fall into. We've decided on: TOTALLY AWESOME. What do you think?

My Interests


Member Since: 9/11/2007
Band Website: Under Construction. [email protected]
Band Members: Janelle Mailhot - lead vocals/acoustic guitar
Trevor Graumann - vocals/electric guitar/harmonica
Aaron Zeghers - vocals/bass guitar
Matthew Powers - drumma

Sounds Like: The musical recipe for SitDownTracy is as follows:1 cup Indie Rock 1 cup Roots 1 package of Totally AwesomeMix ingredients with wandering bass lines and multiple drum flurries.This recipe will result in a sense of well being or euphoria, loss of inhibitions, a tendency to talk and laugh more, impaired balance and co-ordination, increased appetite and bloodshot eyes. Be careful when enjoying, it will be hot.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

up and at them!.............

Wooo, we have hit the charts baby! Sunday ( from our upcoming ep) is charting right now on 92.9 Kick fm's top 40. KICK TOP 40 check er out, maybe send a request in? aloha -the drummer...
Posted by SitDownTracy on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:35:00 PST

Searching for new jam space...

For months now we’ve been practicing in a beautiful, red basement on Beverley, but the time has come for SitDownTracy to find new digs.Anyone who knows where we can find a resonably priced jam s...
Posted by SitDownTracy on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 10:28:00 PST

Holy Moly, new songs straight from the Foley.

Knock Knock,Who's there?THE FIRST ROUND OF MIXING FROM SITDOWNTRACY'S UPCOMING EP.That's right, the songs on our myspace are officially the best we have ever done, and the first mix of the tracks you ...
Posted by SitDownTracy on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:06:00 PST


well. Our 1st demo is nearing completion..... it will melt faces. Track listing (in no specific order) OpenerTroubadourSundayHilton's RemainsBackfire does that even mean anything to you..... maybe not...
Posted by SitDownTracy on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:18:00 PST

New music video in the works

Breaking news: Janelle and I just came up with the idea for our first music video.  We'll be doing it for the Hilton's Remains track we have posted at the moment. Although we aren't going to divu...
Posted by SitDownTracy on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:11:00 PST

4 new songs up.......

we've posted 4 live rehersal songs on the give you a better idea of what the full band sounds like.they are what they are, live recordings, not studio, you've been warned.turn it up (seriously...
Posted by SitDownTracy on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 02:44:00 PST