japanese pop songs profile picture

japanese pop songs


About Me

We're glad you found us!
No map, no directions. It's destiny....
Q. What is Japanese Pop Songs?
A. Japanese Pop Songs is a collection of animals (mostly caribou and elk), imaginary friends and real life bickering friends who chant and eat marshmellows around a fire.
Q. Where can I get your songs and albums?
A. They're all available for free download at www.japanesepopsongs.com/band.html.
Q. What's with the naked hugs?
A. Naked hugs is our way of saying hello, goodbye and nice to meet you. You don't have to naked hug us or the elk if you don't want. The elk will take it personally, but we won't.
Q. We heard you on CBC Radio. Does that mean you slept with someone over there?
A. No, unforuntely we have not had the pleasure of sleeping with anyone at the CBC. But we are huge fans of the CBC and it's an honour to be played on any of their shows.
Q. I want to be an HONORARY MEMBER! How can I become a Japanese Pop Songs honorary member?
A. We love expanding our band and if you want in, then we want you in. There are 3 simple requirements:
a) You must like at least two seconds of one Japanese Pop Songs's songs.
b) You must slow dance with your grandma.
c) You must endure three whole days (72 hours) with a Japanese Pop Songs song on your myspace profile.
d) You must tell us what your member responsibilty will be. Check the members box for availability.
A. Will you ever tour?
Q. Touring requires logistics and expensive equipment (van included), which for the moment we do not possess. We would love to tour and we are working on it.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/11/2007
Band Website: japanesepopsongs.com
Band Members: Me Japanese (the greatest) + You Japanese (cartwheeler) + Emanul (fingers) + Troy (cultural echo) + Emily (elk friend) + Geraldine (cocktail mixer) + Chewy (two step dancer) + The Vog (beautiful boy) + Steve/Spine Radio (mysterious stranger) + Claude/Pop Song Romance Zine (handclapper) + Steve/Futia Expo '79 (mojito magician) + Adam/Bright Lights at Night (shoe getter) + Bryce/Vitaminsforyou (clothes washer) + Felicia (hairdresser) + Douglas (complaint department) + Melanie/ColouringOutsideTheLines (stocktopus stiticher) + Jordan (kitten tamer) + Lisa-Marie (Little Miss Sunshine) + Crizzl (psyhic ghost whisperer) + Angela/Gianna (mascot) + Ashley (orange peeler) + Pocky (snappy dresser)
Influences: Eight year olds taking music lessons, riding bikes in the rain, naked hugs, Burgeo/Newfoundland, grandmas.

Sounds Like: Candy that's melted in your pocket.
Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds.

Hello,Does anyone still eat roasted pumpkin seeds? Those were popular in Vancouver...back in the day. Now everyone just eats nachos and cheezos. How boring. Bring back the roasted pumpkin seeds!Which ...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 09:31:00 PST

Hurtin’ in a Curtain.

Greetings,That subject headline makes no sense, but it sounds like something an 80 year old toothless cowboy might say.Anyways, on with the show.Many of you may not know, but one of our members is a f...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:07:00 PST

Practice Karate Kicks.

Good afternoon,"Some days suck lemons, and others fly kites."That may have been a deep and meaningful haiku in a past life. But in this blog it's found new life as a potentially crappy lyric.We have b...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:08:00 PST

2008: Cheesy Cheesepuffs.

Hardy hellos,It's almost March......where does the time go. Swept under the rug, I think.One of our song's, "Coolest Boy On the Block" (never been released before), is going to be on the coolest CD co...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 09:30:00 PST

Wrapping things up - 2007

Skip, jump, hop, 2008.Hello all.Claude's fantastic compilation will be out this summer...click here to see/hear the preview: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual &videoid=262274...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 02:26:00 PST

Writing Prescriptions.

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!! 2008 Naked Hugs.Here's some news shaping up for 2008:We're going to be on the best compilation CD ever!Check it out: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&frien dI...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:13:00 PST

Canadian hibernation.

Greetings,It's been a month since my last post....we here in Canada have been hibernating.Winter is all about drinking beer and watching hockey games to fight off boredom and the cold. Oh Canada.But a...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 06:13:00 PST

We’re in DustBunnies Zine!!

Hello fellow peoples,We did an interview (me and emanul) for the British zine DustBunnies. We'll give you more info when it comes out, but highlights include me talking about how I will open an ostric...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:14:00 PST

September 22: World Car Free Day

Dear you,H.G. Wells once said, "every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race."Amen to that.When I ride my bike in Paris and see fellow bike riders, I th...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 05:45:00 PST

We are bronze medalists.

Hello all,Today we received a frantic call from a frantic friend. At first we thought their pet had been run over or their car had broken down and made them late for work. But no.They were calling fro...
Posted by japanese pop songs on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:08:00 PST